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Comment Re:So they have tactics? So what? (Score 1) 169

Chess is similar to boxing. You need to develop a strategy, and you need to think two or three steps ahead about what your opponent is doing. You have to be smart. But what’s the difference between chess and boxing? In chess, nobody is an expert, but everybody plays. In boxing everybody is an expert, but nobody fights.”

Vitali Klitschko

Comment Re:Right now I am thinking... (Score 1) 169

I guess I have no empathy. Boxing can be viewed on multiple levels but one of the best is the art of self-defense. How does one block, parry or otherwise avoid punches. Think of playing baseball or tennis - sometimes you swing hard and barely hit the ball, other times a smooth stroke, hitting the ball in the sweet spot and wham you hit it a million miles an hour. The same is true in boxing but now your facing a ball that reacts to your swing. By moving your body a few inches closer or further away you can decrease the impact of the blow significantly; even harder is when you time the blow and move your body with the punch again reducing the impact of the punch.

Boxing is a beautiful sport.

Comment Re:A real test: Orlando, FL (Score 1) 112

If they want a real test, try Orlando, Florida. I found it the most trying city to drive in of any I've ever lived in, thanks to the joyous combination of people visiting from Ohio that expect a mile clear ahead of them and people from New York who think 6 inches is enough of a gap for someone to cut them off.

Common, six inches isn't enough room to fit the nose of the car in. Everyone knows that you need at least 14 inches to inch your way in. :-)

Truthfully - once you get past a half a car length you're asking to be cut off.

Comment Re:Yes, and? (Score 1) 178

No. Not really. A free market is that in which the economy is not run by a central authority. A food coop, designed, developed and run without central command, even if each of the individuals involved are socialists themselves is still part of the free market.
Karl Menger was not writing a public relations book; neither was von Mises.

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