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Comment Re:The 80s phoned (Score 5, Insightful) 65

blood cholesterol levels have very little to do with dietary cholesterol. the issue is some people's livers generate more cholesterol than others, often due to genetics, often due to development of metabolic syndrom, etc

eating a healthy diet is a nice thought, but healthy diets dont really exist any more and if they did they'ed only be preventative

Comment Re:Part of it is just culture shift (Score 3, Insightful) 123

> Are you really that dense? They didn't move to India for higher pay and better working conditions for their employees. When you treat your employees as members of society and not slaves, you tend to accomplish quality work.

tell me youve never worked with indians, without telling me youve never worked with indians

Comment Refillable dispensers (Score 1) 29

Hotels could definitely make a move towards refillable dispensers. Usually I travel with my own shower gel and shampoo, but when I've had to use hotel minis I've either had to use only half a bottle wasting the rest or multiple small bottles. As long as the hotels are honest about refilling the shampoo, conditioner and showergel correctly this would be a good result.

It would also be great if more cafes switched to cardboard coffee cups, though cold drinks, e.g. iced coffee do better in plastic due to the condensation soaking through the cardboard.

Comment so like mastodon then (Score 5, Informative) 98


A Mastodon website can operate alone. Just like a traditional website, people sign up on it, post messages, upload pictures and talk to each other. Unlike a traditional website, Mastodon websites can interoperate, letting their users communicate with each other; just like you can send an email from your Gmail account to someone from Outlook, Fastmail, Protonmail, or any other email provider, as long as you know their email address, you can mention or message anyone on any website using their address.

Comment Re:Good, I hope they all implode (Score 1) 147

It's not the role of society or any system to give meaning to someone's life.

Society and 'the system' wasn't created to 'keep the man down' it was created to protect the bottom 50% that can't be held accountable or responsible for their actions and to keep them alive and safe as best as possible.

Comment Re:Any growth is at the cost of another buyer... (Score 0) 327

> And your point would be what? The value of stocks is based on some fundamental reality. The value of crypto has no such underlying reality.

The world is built on trust. Crypto (when done correctly) has value because you can trust it. More importantly, we know we can't trust governments, banks or humans.

Trust is the most important commodity in the world, our entire civilisation is built on it.

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