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Comment Stupid move (Score 1) 602

Regarding the current situation this seems like a dumb move. A good deal of the fun part of youtube comes from the comments and a lot of people don't want to engange in some minor trolling or posting funny comments with their real name. Of course there are a lot of really offensive comments and stupid discussions also, but what I see as a result of anonymous names are especially the top rated funny comments you often come across.

Comment Re:After RAGE (Score 2) 118

I don't play much, if so then mostly shooters. RAGE was by far the best game I've played since a long time. I liked it much more then Half-Life 2. It made me realize why I prefer id software to valve: there's some crazyness to it that makes titles like Half-Like 2 appear almost sterile in comparison. In RAGE, the movements of the muties for example, the 'british' bandits and all this stuff must have been designed by people with really cool phantasy and I appreciate that.

Comment as a german.. (Score 1) 215

.. I'd actually welcome something as drastic as preventing german visitors access to youtube. Otherwise the populace will never get that GEMA is to be removed ASAP. But Google will just go least resistance with most revenue and bow. Damn, I hate how little political well doing is done by the powerful Google.

Submission + - Laser boffins blast bits onto hard drive at 200Gb/sec (

PolygamousRanchKid writes: Conventional drives use electromagnetism to selectively change the polarity of points on a drive, representing a one or a zero. But according to research published in Nature Communications, the team used a high-powered laser to write data onto a special gadolinium and iron storage unit in a fraction of the time, using much less energy. “Instead of using a magnetic field to record information on a magnetic medium, we harnessed much stronger internal forces and recorded information using only heat,” said York physicist Thomas Ostler in a statement. “This revolutionary method allows the recording of Terabytes (thousands of Gigabytes) of information per second, hundreds of times faster than present hard drive technology. As there is no need for a magnetic field, there is also less energy consumption.”

The technique is still a long way from being able to match conventional drives in terms of cost and ease of manufacturing, due to the use of the laser and specialized materials, but the team is now refining the technique and feels it has scope for full production.

Comment Responsibility (Score 2) 508

You US citizens at some point in future will need to understand that though we don't hate you, but your government and associated corporate behaviors, you have a responsibility for who represents you. If you continue to not uphold to that responsibility it get's harder and harder to respect you. As individuals you would laugh at me since I'm probably much weaker then you. But I know that we have learned a lot through time. Your nation is really young and there's so much collective experiences you never had. Please don't make the mistake and fight for north America staying like it is. I believe in better futures for everybody.

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