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Comment Re:Better protection against SEO. (Score 2) 276

What made Google so great when it was still relatively new was the results were more relevant, i.e. they weren't just a bunch of advertisements. With the rise SEO that is less the case now, and looking for something on Google for me now means adding "-buy -purchase -price -shop" automatically.

Google seems to ignore '-term' when it comes to certain sites/terms.

Comment Re:Wow... (Score 1) 51

Day to day needs I would want 3x2TB SSDs for laptop use, a 2TB SSD external for games run directly off the drive and the remainder could be platters. That would be my ideal situation if SSDs were cheaper. I can't afford that so I've stuck entirely with platters and limiting speed factor on my system is the drives in them... I'm constantly hitting 100% usage for extended periods keeping the systems hanging.

Comment Re:Wow... (Score 0) 51

I want an SSD for the basic performance increase over platter drives for many reasons but I'm not going to pay 13 times more per GB for an SSD over a platter drive. They'd have to bring the $/GB of SSDs to under $0.15 for them to be worth switching. As is I'm looking at 10TB of storage minimum for home use.

Comment Re:"shoup" is not easy (Score 1) 105

shoup is very easy when it's printed on the side of the machine.

To me voting machines are something that should be handled by the open source community. 100% transparent, by the people for the people in every sense, and ultimately supported financially by governments who buy the machines.

Comment Why bother with other sources? (Score 2) 186

...."I think this has proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it's not fair to say Wikipedia is 'self-correcting.'"

It's fair to say Wikipedia is self-reenforcing and subtlety is lost.

To me, Wikipedia is a cult - you can keep sending them money, contributing to their belief system, and you can never leave (I'm serious, they have no way to delete an account)

Comment Re:Overrated (Score 4, Insightful) 200

Regardless of whether you view Snowden as a despicable traitor or an honorable whistleblower, it's worth a watch.

I didn't think so.

Oliver criticized Snowden for his complex descriptions of complex issues, and asserted that it's Snowden's job to make the facts easily digestible and relatable for the general public. It's not. In the first place, it's the media's job to do that. That is their raison d'etre. In the second place, distilling issues down to "dick pics" is part of the problem with the modern media. Why fuel that race to the bottom? Idiocracy was supposed to be satire, not prophecy.

[facepalm] Oliver, via his comedy, was simplifying the issue, making a commentary on the media, and the comprehension level of the American people. It was layered and pointed and even managed some balance all wrapped in humour. Brilliant.

Comment Re:Mamangement (Score 1) 290

"in VLC every Christmas time the cone gets a Santa hat - it's a nice touch that shows they're thinking about the end user."

unless he's muslim, hindu, baha'i, atheist, ... then they switch to a non-religious player.

Santa isn't religious - he's actually sacrilegious... the whole idolatry thing. If it was a picture of Jesus or something I'd agree. It's also not shown on Dec. 25th exclusively - it's shown for most of December indicating a season not a Christian holiday.

Comment Re:Mamangement (Score 1) 290

You miss the point. If the Easter Egg code is poorly programmed it could cause problems. Since the Easter egg code is neither tested or reviewed by anyone other than the programmer it is quite possible it is poorly writen.

Quite possibly. But then again that calls your entire codebase into question. If you're sloppy in one you're likely sloppy elsewhere. That crash could cause someone to actually put eyes on code that person wrote which may have otherwise gone unnoticed. The "many eyes" concept has repeatedly been proven wrong as people tend not to go looking for problems until one appears.

Comment Re:Mamangement (Score 1) 290

like in VLC every Christmas time the cone gets a Santa hat

Then when a subsequent maintainer comes along finds the Santa hat graphic, and since it is not in the specs, removes it causing the software to crash the next Xmas there is a problem.

Not if it's programmed properly. Easter Eggs are no excuse for sloppy coding.

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