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Comment What is an eBook? (Score 1) 288

I guess that settles it. I'll consign myself to buying up whatever dead tree editions I can; and completely forget about buying any eReader or eBooks if these "Authors Guild" idiots are going to be a rabid crowd of money mongers. Unionized writers and publishing houses, like these belong on a do not buy list. And so the world grows smaller once again. Thanks to Greed.

Comment IOC is SUCK (Score 1, Insightful) 268

This practice actually raises my hackles. Alarm bells and klaxxons go off. Really they have NO BUSINESS doing this dystopian crap. This is exactly the very sort of thing that makes people angry. I for one wouldn't pay those mofo's one bluidy red cent. My wifi my business not theirs. Its not a crime. And they can't make it one just because. SCREW YOU, you damn'd IOC & your lame limpicks. DIAF and all that!

Comment Re:People want cheaper tablets (Score 1, Informative) 657

Pay no mind to Apple shills. iPad is just another greedy shit. Consumers want what consumers want. And for the most part we want to pick and choose the things we need for our little fiefdoms at reasonable price points. We do not want this so called vendor lockin crap. Nor do we want to be babied by control freak app stores.

Comment Re:10 years without cable (Score 1) 285

XBMC + Fusion That oughta save you a wee bit more and give you far more options than you really need. You might also want to find a nice VPN service in the appropriate places. Then OTA if you need local news stations and lighter fare, and are in an area that gives you the capablity to recieve OTA transmissions. All of these things can be piped thru your pc to your big screen HDTV, you might even be able to build youself a sweet little HTPC setup with a few extra screens for IRC and other multi tasking things as well. :) Don't limit yourself.

Comment Re:False choice (Score 1) 285

...NOTE: Read a book... wonderful advice... absolutely... if you stick to dead trees... but its kinda moving the other way now. I'm allready in the unfortunate place where I have to decide if I want an eReader or grab a gee-whiz-tablet with some oompth. Then it'll be the content provider issue all over again.

Comment TekSavvy! (Score 1) 250

Thrumming out of Toronto - Ontario - Canada. I'm happily with what I like to think of as the Canadian version of known as TekSavvy Solutions Inc. from Chatham, Ont. Great service very hands on, priced fairly from $24.95 up to $61.95, no contracts, no caps, no limits, fair speeds 28Mbps down 1Mbps up on Cable; often receiving speeds well in excess of our posted limits, they run DSL services as well. TSI is available in a few other places accross Canada. We're well connected via Broadband Reports Forums as well as our own TekSavvy Forum Customers often interact on IRC (Eris Free Network); and also via Twitter @Teksavvybuzz. Our only bone(s) of contention are Rogers (robbers) and Bell (bhell) for the last mile infrastructure which is usually almost always tariffed by the CRTC. -- We also enjoy the ability to run servers if we choose, unlike the larger incumbents that are trying to milk Canadians for every drop of cash they can get their contracts onto.

App Developer: Android Designed For Piracy 596

Following news this week of a game developer who turned the Android version of a game free because of piracy concerns, software developer Matt Gemmell has written a lengthy post explaining why he thinks Android apps are laboring under a broken business model. "People have to get paid. There has to be a revenue stream. You can’t reliably have that revenue stream if the platform itself and the damaged philosophy behind it actively sabotages commerce. If you want a platform to be commercially viable for third-party software developers, you have to lock it down. Just like in real life, closing the door and locking it helps make sure that your money remains yours. Bad behaviour has to be more difficult than good behaviour - and good behaviour means paying for your software." He also has some harsh arguments about some of the assumptions and philosophies underpinning the an industry built on an open platform. "Nerds like to say that people care about choice at that level. Nerds are wrong. Nerds care about choice, and nerds are such a tiny minority of people that nobody else much cares what the hell they think. Android is designed with far too much nerd philosophy, and open is gravy to those people because it’s synonymous with customization. ... Open is broken as a money-making platform model, unless you’re making the OS or the handsets. Most of us aren't doing that."

Comment Re:The CD format has been around a long time (Score 2) 434

And this is one of the reasons I fear eBooks moving to eFormats Only. One day there will be no libraries. A single EMP could take out the entire collected knowledge of a certain time period in one go. (theoretically). Archaeologists of the future will wonder where all the 'amazing knowledge of the ancients vanished to.'

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