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Christmas Cheer

Submission + - Amazon Steals Christmas Eve from Sysadmins (

omnipotus writes: "Amazon outage tonight is keeping sysadmins at NetFlix and other companies around the world that depend on its web services. Wired is also reporting how the outage in the US East Region (Virginia) is impacting customers that use Amazon's load balancer offerings. The WSJ also has the story. The latest updates are available directly from Amazon."

Comment Re:Clever... (Score 2) 205

They've been testing this for awhile. AFF (Autonomous Formation Flight) from 2001 is the first project I know about. The challenge is in the guidance and control system - it must be able to keep the trailing aircraft within inches of the desired position (12 inches for AFF) and maintain position through maneuvers and disturbances.

Comment Re:Bull fucking shit! (Score 1) 335

Enforcement is the problem. When texting is banned, people put the phones down in their lap to text so that the cops can't see the phones up on top of the steering wheel while they're texting and watching the road.

One study disagrees: Phone up or down made no difference, at least with this sample of teenagers.

Comment Re:t-mobile (Score 1) 288

Where are you in LA? I've been in LA area the past 5 years. Live in West LA and I've gone to just about everywhere as far east as San Gabriel Valley. The only place I've had terrible T-mobile coverage is Palos Verdes, but my understanding is that all the carriers suck there since no one wants cell towers cheapening their property.

Comment Re:What is good for the consumer? (Score 2) 232

It's not about what's good for the consumer, it's about what's good for non-Chinese economies. China did the same thing with rare earths – undercut all competitors and eventually produce more than 90% of the world's rare earth supply. Then they used that to control prices and where the refining and production takes place (hint: not anywhere overseas). They basically control the high-tech economy and wind turbine production (which need rare earth magnets). Who wants that for soloar panels too?

Comment Re:Yet another obvious solution (Score 1) 254

IMHO all of these products, including motors for hybrid vehicles, are too important to allow China to trivial blackmail the rest of the world at their pleasure. All that is needed is the US government to guarantee purchase at some set price and dozens of new mines would open overnight in the US.

Opening new mines or even just re-opening the old mine in Mountain Pass, CA, can't happen "overnight." It will take at least seven years to open a new mine (

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