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Comment Re:bbc? (Score 4, Interesting) 429

Not quite, the whole system it actually consumed more than it produced. The power outputted by the lasers was less than was produced. There are inefficiencies in the lasers so net power is negative.

Yes and in an future power producing environment, the thermal power output needs to be converted to electricity. Typical thermal power systems does this with an efficiency of about 33-48%, so there is still a way to go. Still they are making fast progress compared to ITER, which have had a good head start.

Comment Re:How about.... (Score 1) 78

That you give us actual fucking measurement numbers in millisievert per unit of time instead of scaremongering with ambigious definitions.

If I were 74 years old and my home had an annual 5mSv radiation dose(technically in excess of 2x civilian limits). I would live there, whole fucking year. And if I die of cancer, I'd have done so anyway.

Well the city of Namie (within the 10km radius) that is mentioned in the story, was sort of lucky and didn't get all that much fallout and has something like the 5mSv of a yearly dose rate like you mention. But it i surrounded by other communities that has more than 10-20 times higher dose rates, even though some of them are further out in the 20-30 km radius. There is no scaremongering, just reporting on a serious situation. Also I don't think a 74 year old woman is likely to do very well in a community that has no services, and where everything is shut down.

Comment Re:One man's garbage (Score 1) 74

Can you cite an example of "lots of radioactive steel parts" becoming cars?

Not in the US, and not cars but here are references to elevator buttons http://uk.reuters.com/article/2008/10/22/oukoe-uk-france-lifts-radioactive-idUKTRE49L69320081022 And belt buckles. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2013/05/29/asos_investigation_into_radioactive_belts_demonstrates_scrap_metal_problem.html Bonus link to the EPA http://www.epa.gov/radtown/orphan-sources.html

Comment Re:A conspiracy... (Score 1) 470

is this whole thing a joke? why would the terrorists solicit money from jewish organizations?

Not sure whether to believe this story or not. But the summary clearly states that the terrrorists where pro-Israel terrorists, which means it makes sense to solicit money from Jewish organizations. Not every terrorist in this world is a Muslim you know. ( If you were joking, I was appropriately whooshed)

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