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Comment Re:One man's garbage (Score 1) 74

Can you cite an example of "lots of radioactive steel parts" becoming cars?

Not in the US, and not cars but here are references to elevator buttons And belt buckles. Bonus link to the EPA

Comment Re:A conspiracy... (Score 1) 470

is this whole thing a joke? why would the terrorists solicit money from jewish organizations?

Not sure whether to believe this story or not. But the summary clearly states that the terrrorists where pro-Israel terrorists, which means it makes sense to solicit money from Jewish organizations. Not every terrorist in this world is a Muslim you know. ( If you were joking, I was appropriately whooshed)

Comment Re:No? (Score 1) 185

The thing about scientific computing is that scientists like to write MPI and Fortran. They just love that shit. And they are traditionally really resistant to any new programming model. So when you tell them they need to start using XYZ instead of MPI so their programs can actually complete at exascale *before* hardware failure, they get unhappy and instead implement things like checkpoint/restore that takes 70% of the runtime. Source: I work in HPC.

Changing from FORTRAN would require us to actually try to comprehend decades worth of scientific data stored in FORTRAN data files. Ain't no one got time fo' that.

Comment Re:I remember seeing a whistle device... (Score 1) 156

I remember seeing a whistle device that you attach to your key ring. When you lose your keys, you whistle and your key ring beeps.

Yes it is a problem that can be solved with very simple analog electronics. That was my first thought when I read the summary, but I guess that wouldn't be cool today.

Comment Re:IETF protocol standard? (Score 1) 116

WTF: SIP is an IETF standard, so these people should not be holding any patents, otherwise it is another useless standard. It would be like if http protocol was patented and they required you to pay to implement it.

Seems the patents aren't on the SIP as such, but rather on SIP trunking. Some other posters have been touching on this, but it is not stated clearly in the summary or in any posts form what I could see.

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