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Comment Re:Here's an idea. (Score 1) 421

OP is obviously not asking for ideas you plan on implementing yourself. For certain things, you may have always wanted an app, but couldnt be bothered enough to write objective c or an android app for it, those are the ones the OP is asking for. If you are an app developer, you obviously shouldnt post apps you are planning to implement. Some people would rather take their ideas to their grave, than see someone else implement it, those people need not give their ideas either.

Comment Re: Understanding the Indian retailers. (Score 1) 53

Are you from the 90s. We have retail stores run by reliance, tata and huge chains. They have their own sister banks and investment firms. I doubt they have to borrow money at all, surely not at 25%, unless it is an accounting trick. Your whole post screams 90s mom and pop store. They have been replaced by chains even in larger towns

Comment Re: Most of the problem is Monsanto, the Great Sat (Score 3, Insightful) 100

Then give the consumers a choice to not buy GMO. Label products as GMO.

Plenty of products are already labeled as NOT GMO. So people already have a choice.

Not plenty enough. I am in the US west coast in a fairly large city, with a whole foods and a choice of stores. I honestly dont find enough products labelled GMO free.

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