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Comment Re:Effectively requires root (Score 1) 157

Not true. See as posted by someone else. If the machine was really busy doing other stuff, you'd have trouble, but if the machine is MOSTLY idle, apart from running GPG on your chosen cyphertexts, then occasional network interrupts and short-lived cronjobs and stuff won't be too much of a distraction. He even demonstrates that his machine is running something really short every second, doesn't matter, you can trick GPG into making your machine emit the tell-tale squeals for a decent fraction of a second, telling you about ONE bit of key. Repeat with carefully selected cyphertexts and you can extract 1 bit per second until you're done with a 4096-bit key in about a hour. The example in the video had GPG in Enigmail in Thunderbird decrypting your email on receipt. If you know enough about SSL you could fairly easily do this as a series of negotiations on any TLS port.

Comment Re:You can probably afford hardware (Score 1) 78

I'm assuming you already have access to some sort of laptop/desktop to post to slashdot? I'd say skip the shields, get a cheap arduino clone, probably one with the USB port NOT the separate TTL programmer if this is your first Arduino experience. Don't forget a USB CABLE for it. Small breadboard, some suitable jumper wires, (or perhaps you can recycle some old cat5?) and a few cheap servos ($5 ea). No real need for a "shield", you can directly connect most servos. It's also quite easy to convert the servos to "continuous rotation" if you want a speed-controllable (propulsion) motor rather than a position-controllable (steering) one (assuming you also have access to some tiny screwdrivers, knife/clippers, etc). Recycle bits of spare wood/plastic/card for body, wheels, arms, whatever. You can make really simple sensors by just having INPUT_PULLUP wires touch GND wires when bumped. Servos can steer/push/pull/propel/twist things. You can LATER look at more reliable switches/buttons, light/IR/temperature/distance/other sensors, RGB LEDs, displays, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc once you've had a bit of fun and have a better idea what you want to build. Remember most Arduinos already have 1 status LED, and Serial.print() for debugging/control whilst still connected to USB.

Comment AMOS (Score 1) 414

Used to love AMOS, years ago. AMOS was pretty much "BASIC with nice looping, functions/procedures, and easy access to some cool Amiga graphics $#!+ like sprites, scrolling, and blitter".
These days, probably JavaScript, and honestly I wish Canvas/SVG/WebGL/SOMETHING was even half as easy as AMOS for quick-yet-pretty graphical stuff :-/

Comment Re:buying balloons (Score 1) 51

Check your local air regs, you may not be allowed to launch a 30-footer without special permission. You probably CAN launch below some specified weight-limit though, which is usually enough for a GPS, APRS board, small 2m transmitter, camera, and batteries.

Nick VA3NNW, part of the team

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
