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Comment Re:Wrong subject (Score 2) 284

All the movies except the last had a supernatural feel to them. Making it aliens and not something unexplainable prevents the imagination from attempting to fill in the explanation which leaves the viewer no sense of wonder. It would be like if someone made a Star Wars movie in which they explained what the Force was made from...

Comment Re:From my perspective (Score 1) 645

This is one of the best troll posts I've read in a while. Or I can tell you why you weren't receiving responses. You claim to have grown up middle class, yet your writing is horrid for anyone past the 9th grade, grammar and structure in particular. I'm sure anyone reading your writings would be more accepting (see what I did there?) of you if they believed english wasn't your native tongue. If you aren't trolling I recommend you take some courses to improve your writing skills, at some point you will want to rise within a company and they'll know english is your native tongue.

Comment Re:Go basic (Score 1) 119

Actually if you wanted real USB security you'd open the system pull the wires off the headers then epoxy/clip the header so no one could open the system and add a stealth usb port to the header. Keep in mind there are anywhere from 1-6 sets of headers on the motherboard and a few minutes of work would allow someone to attach usb devices whenever they wanted.

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