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Comment think of the children (Score 0) 250

"Violent video game consumption was strongly correlated with declines in youth violence."

This correlates with the number of youths playing violent games in Mom's basement. If they don't leave home, the crime rate drops. Furthermore, being loaded with chips, Twinkies & soda leaves them less able to rise from their desks and commit crimes. Damage to sight & hearing, along with 'trigger twitch' further diminishes their energetic output in crime.

This isn't really a plus for society. Medical care for those gamers who reach adulthood will tax the rest of us heavily. A Kickstarter campaign is proposed for: Think of the Children! It is proposed that by encouraging the kids to masturbate to online porn, they will be cured of their tendency to violence. A parallel campaign will preach: Make Love, not War!

Comment Re:Is this the new science-speak? (Score 1) 91

" One of the things that we've already learned from such images"

TFA suggests that this is a unique image from a new telescope. Are you saying that there are others? Who is this 'we' you are referring to? You say 'according to our models'- are you saying that you are one of the scientists involved? You seem to be suggesting that I should have been able to understand all this from looking at the picture, and yet you have not said how this new image will inform myself and other slashdot readers of anything.

Have you even looked at the image or are you just copying the text of the article?

Comment Is this the new science-speak? (Score 0) 91

...mind blowing, powerful, my friends, mother-of-all, dazzling, awesome, astounded, revolutionize...
Or is it more like something in your spam folder?

That is an amazing telescope but unfortunately to my eyes the pictures are not informative. Perhaps tomorrow some details will be highlighted to show ordinary folks what the excitement is about.

Comment your mind: the Final Frontier (Score 1) 109

Geezers will remember the race between USSR & USA to develop 'mind control' technology through much of the last century. America got a late start and rushed to catch up to the decades old Soviet research. Similar to the 'space race' but less publicized. [It is said that-] This research ended in 2003. You may find interesting information with a search for the MKUltra program. Traditional media tend not to report such things but here are some links:

Comment Re:spare the rod, spoil the child (Score 1) 273

"Personally I find a fair proportion of jazz a turgid cacophony."

Don't let your own shortcomings limit your children as well. If you don't like Picasso are you suggesting that your children should be expected to do the same? Expose them to the best stimuli available, whether or not you like it. Let them decide. Music, and jazz in particular, seems to have a powerful positive influence on the developing mind. Many forms of art are rooted in mathematics.

Comment spare the rod, spoil the child (Score 3, Insightful) 273

Speak roughly to your little boy
and beat him when he sneezes
he only does it to annoy
because he knows it teases.
[ ]

Every child should read Alice in Wonderland. It's not easy reading, but they will get it. It presents a complex world that is not easy for young Alice, but she has pluck and forges ahead. It is an adventure that requires courage and confidence and a tremendous example for young people- boys and girls.

Challenge your children. Give them Poe, Swift, R.L. Stevenson, quality scifi, etc. Give them fine music & jazz, fine art and the opportunity to create art, give them geography, history, dinosaurs and bioscience. Don't numb their brains with superhero TV & games.

There is more to education than job training. There is life. Give them a head start. Love them.

Comment Re:A missing detail (Score 1) 150

I'm not suggesting that this is the case at this early point in the investigation; but an industry insider who personally studies every airline 'incident' informs me that the months of investigation almost always conclude that 'pilot error' was the cause.

He has found evidence, buried in 5000 pages of dull analysis, that in fact many crashes were due to errors in design or manufacturing. So why blame the pilot? Well, for one thing the pilot is dead and can't testify in most cases. For another, admitting mechanical flaws or design failures can be very expensive for some of the parties involved. Keep in mind that every government regulatory agency exists to serve the industry that they 'regulate' and not so much the public interest.

Comment so it's movie time! (Score 1) 94

Ah yes, a romantic tale of courage, determination and pathos. The intrepid blonde adventuress and her stunningly handsome navigator forced down on a desolate island, doomed to a slow death of hunger and thirst. And yet with only hours to live, a romance can bloom among the giant crabs and tropical breezes... Hollywood- are you on this?

Comment Re:Population is the obvious bit everyone knows (Score 1) 495

"widely discussed over the last century"

I must have missed all that discussion. I didn't miss the death of ZPG (Zero Population Growth) during the time of the right wing christian uprising in the USA. I didn't miss the secret requirement that if a foreign country wanted aid from the US, they had to suppress any information about birth control given to their people. I didn't miss the angry shouting every time someone suggested things like free condoms at universities etc. And the ongoing fuss over abortion...

But I did miss your assertion that everyone knows that population is the problem. Please tell me more.

Comment population (Score 1) 495

No discussion of climate management or any other earthly problem is complete without first understanding the effect of 7 billion humans- mostly underfed, sick and unproductive. How many have to die horribly each day before someone notices? How many children are born with a life expectancy of less than one year, to a mother who can't even feed herself? Is family planning ever going to be taught and enabled in the underprivileged corners of earth? Fix these problems and everything else will improve.

Comment good news for Florida (Score 1) 114

Florida has long been known as a right wing stronghold. They reversed the election that lead to Bush2 being elected. They routinely fight to eliminate the poor and potentially Democrat voters from elections.

That their Supreme Court chose this path is refreshing. Let's hope that there is a trend among the Florida political elite toward respect for those who are not wealthy, those who deserve justice.

Comment best idea: ask for good ideas (Score 1) 352

Politicians often discover that when the issue they wish to move forward is resisted by their peers, they can appeal directly to the public. Explain their plan and encourage input from everyone. If they build enough support among the voters, then their peers may be forced to support the plan as well.

Kalil may or may not have support from the White House or anyone, but if he gets a big response to this challenge Obama and others will have to reconsider their reluctance.

Yes, ask the Public, ask schoolchildren in particular. Five million responses from fifth graders is a force to sway elected officials. Furthermore it inspires a new generation to reach for the stars (and distracts them from daily news of terrorists and disease).

[I offer this as a tactic for those who support this sort of thing. I am not convinced that colonizing planets is in our best interest at this time.]

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
