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Comment snake oil? (Score 4, Insightful) 69

from TFA: "Thync announced a study showing that its device reduces stress without chemicals."

  - guess who conducted the study--Thync, of course. Miraculously they found no problems with the product. Thynk 'scientists' (not sure how they define the term) assured the DailyDot reporter that the product works better than a 'sham'.

A company spokesman said "we have been collecting data around how people use Thync in their everyday lives " -- which seems odd for a product that hasn't reached the market yet and few people have had extensive exposure to it.

Again from TFA: "Thync offered an anecdote from a student" ... This seems mostly to be anecdotes and little science.

That said, there is hope that this technology or the transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) experiments will prove useful.

Comment Psychological cost (Score 1) 480

When one is reduced to praying that they will get something for nothing, they have made an error that will lead them to ruin.

Americans have always taken pride in their ability to forge their way to success. Regardless of their initial status, they always feel that they can move up, improve, make a better life than their parents. This and only this is what made America great.

When Americans sit back on their easy chair and hope for a miracle to bring them a fortune, they have reduced themselves to being no better than the Asians who worship 'luck' in the casinos across the country. It is unAmerican and I, for one, would be ashamed of participating or winning such a gambling enterprise.

Comment happy to comply! (Score 1) 39

My country will be happy to comply. We will spend whatever it takes to assure the world that we are not a nuclear threat. We know that when we do *not* have nuclear ambitions, we will benefit from the generosity of the nuclear powers and prosper in the years to come.

Ha, ha! Look around--the only countries who get any attention / financial support are those who are at the brink of being nuclear threats. We will threaten the shit out of you until you meet our demands!

Comment Re:When will Lactose make it to Nutrition Facts? (Score 1) 180

Well, uh, I wonder if it has anything to do with the powerful dairy lobby. In the US state of Wisconsin, it was / is(?) against the law for margarine to be colored yellow. The dairy association wants everyone to be able to know the 'real thing' on sight. The US government spent untold millions subsidizing the dairy industry on the pretense that it was 'essential' to human health. For decades welfare recipients have received cheese products from massive nationwide warehouses stocked with cheese that the government bought from the dairy industry as a form of corporate welfare.

You are correct that few adult humans are able to digest milk properly. Few, if any, adult animals consume milk. And, BTW, low fat milk, like most low fat products, is depriving consumers of essential nutrition. Real butter and cheese are probably good for you.

In conclusion, the dairy industry, like the soft drink industry and the cereal / bread / corn / wheat / soy / potato / rice / sugar and canned starchy vegetables ... industry and many others are sucking at the teat of the taxpayer and your elected officials are promoting those who pay for their re-election at the cost of your family's health.

Comment Re:Cereal Killers (Score 1, Interesting) 180

About time the world wakes up to science and puts down the commerce/government conspiracy to sell starch to a sick, fat, diabetic population. It's not good for your gas tank and it is not good for your body.

Dr. Atkins showed the way more than 30 years ago and more than 30 million people have a new lease on life thanks to his low carb / high fat diet. Since then the Caveman diet, the Paleo diet, the South Beach Diet and many others have joined the low carb mantra but the goddam medical and government establishment refuse to accept science. It's like global warming- there is no controversy except among the brain deficient. With any luck, the American medical establishment will some day embrace health and stop promoting killer cereals.

Comment not in my tank! (Score 5, Insightful) 56

That stuff is nasty! It'll mess up your engine, hurt your gas mileage and do little if anything to clear the atmosphere.

If we accept it's about cleaner air. And we assume that it burns X% cleaner. And we assume that we will burn X% more fuel over the same distance ... What have we gained? I have seen good arguments for using biodiesel but not ethanol.

It's all about corporate welfare. Big corporations and well funded universities make a show of looking for clean, efficient alternative fuels while sucking up taxpayer dollars. Where is MY lobbyist? Who will pay to overhaul my engine when it corrodes internally?

Comment Re:We homeschool (Score 1) 700

Your family seems to be doing well with homeschooling. Many others here will probably also do well. But two things stand out as I read your story: church and Texas.

And I am reminded of many stories of people who wish to 'protect' their children from beliefs that the parents don't share. Those beliefs may involve religion, science, politics, vaccination, sex, sports, etc. Certain US states and foreign countries encourage eccentric viewpoints on these matters.

Texas is famous for leading the fight against science and in favor of ignorance. Well beyond its borders, the state influences the publication of schoolbooks that millions of schoolchildren are saddled with--books that tend to encourage belief in creationism and deny climate change.

In those situations, for instance in the Middle East and parts of the American South, people often cling to beliefs that don't blend well in modern society. We face a current epidemic of measles in the US because a superstitious segment of the population doesn't believe in preventive treatment. Private, charter, and home schooling encourage the propagation of unusual viewpoints and make it difficult to assure a beneficial and uniform education to all children.

Many slashdot readers are capable of leading their children successfully into the future, but some who use alternative education systems will bring their children to ruin. Just as standards benefit engineering efforts, they can benefit education. Every child at a given level of education should be able to prove that they have been exposed to a standardized level of knowledge.

Yes, certain individuals may be limited by standards. Let's hope they can be identified, accelerated through the system and stimulated to be their best. Others may need extra time to absorb the necessary knowledge. But leave no gaps in their exposure to the information they need to survive our world.

Comment Re:Tools make it easier to accomplish tasks. (Score 1) 198

"I don' think that general-purpose computers should be used in schools without software to limit the use of the computers."

Absolutely. When possible, children (and most adults) will avail themselves of youtube, twitter, facebook and other nonsense. This brainrot actively interferes with any tendency to learn anything. We once thought that television would be a great educational tool--well, what happened there?

The problem is not the technology or the media; it is the eye candy that competes with the presentation of life-enhancing programming materials.

Comment it's routine (Score 0) 265

I've worked with the Federal & California Dept of Food & Agriculture. This is a standard treatment for certain dangerous pests. We released millions of sterile medflies, for instance. The method has been successful.

So far as I know, this method hasn't yet been used on the most dangerous species- homo sapiens.

Comment biological imperative (Score 0) 413

Mammals, including humans, have a biological directive to protect infants. Even if of a different species. We are programmed. We are easily swayed by this kind of appeal because of that. I am swayed.

But this particular appeal smacks of conspiracy theory. High ranking, respected people joining in and protecting each other while acting in such a perverse manner? A few Catholics may have done so but this accusation is a stretch.

As the facts come forth we will know more. If the accusations are true then let the offenders be castrated and tortured to death. I will volunteer to do it with a rusty blade.

Comment read your contract (Score 4, Insightful) 216

Your insurance papers will probably make it clear that you are NOT covered for commercial use of your vehicle. Even if you don't read the policy, you know in your heart that commercial drivers pay more than ordinary drivers. Lots of people think they can deceive their insurance carrier and save money. The company gets the last laugh when it's time to pay for a claim. Any deception on the part of the insured is likely to negate the contract and no claim will be awarded. Yes, possibly years of payments to that company and all for nothing because you lied.

Like the people who watch your credit worthiness and the people who observe you for terrorist tendencies, the insurance industry has vast resources focused on you. If you try to cheat any insurance company, the word is spread and none of them want to deal with you. If you can get insurance it will be very expensive. Honesty is the best policy.

Comment Honda CBX exhaust sound engineering (Score 3, Interesting) 823

Engineers at Samsung, Apple and other marketing conscious companies are sometimes asked to do unusual tasks. At Honda, planning the introduction of the 6 cylinder CBX motorcycle in the 1970s, sound design became important:

"From the beginning," Irimajiri explained, "our Six produced a smooth jetlike exhaust sound. But with an ordinary exhaust arrangement, it wasn't that close to a jet. We thought if we worked on it we could come up with a motorcycle sound like no one has ever heard before.

"So we sent some engineers to the Hyakuri Japanese Air Force base in Chiba prefecture. For ten days they tape-recorded the sound of Phantom jet fighters, and then came back and designed an exhaust system for the CBX that could duplicate that sound. When I heard it for the first time I was amazed; they had captured the Phantom sound perfectly."

short Wiki article:
hear the sound:

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