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Comment Re:CP produced without sexual abuse of children (Score 1) 714

Beyond that.... The legal definition of CP also includes depictions of sexual acts with minors who have reached the age of consent in their jurisdiction, but are not yet 18 years of age. So, while it might be legal for an adult to have sex with a 16 year-old in many parts of the USA, it is illegal for that adult to photograph herself doing so. Similarly, in many more parts of the USA it is legal for two minors to have sex with each other, but not for either of them to photograph the activity-- they don't even have to share the images, mere possession is a crime. Finally, you can't even make erotic images of *yourself* if you are under 18! And if you do, you cannot wait until you are 18 and then distribute those images without violating the law.

Comment Re:Fellow passengers are your best defense (Score 1) 1174

Actually, pretty soon the only people willing to fly will be those who are so accustomed to being pushed around by little bullies at the airport that when a gang of truly dangerous folks does try to steal a plane the bullies will succeed because the passengers will be unable to think, or act, assertively enough to make a difference.

Comment Re:More to this story? (Score 1) 716

Apple does not have a monopoly on anything. They made one good deal with the music industry and apparently came up with a compelling value offer for consumers (or the easily duped, take your pick). But nothing prevents consumers from buying music through many, many other channels and putting them on one of the hundreds of different devices in the world that play MP3. Apple also came out with a decent phone and lots of people bought one. But the only "monopoly" here is over delivery of applications to those who own those phones. Lots of other "smart" phones exist. BlackBerry and Windows Mobile have been around a lot longer than iPhone and are still very popular. iPad? Whatever. A niche device for the moment. If you invest time and money into putting your entire business model into Apple's hands, the only serious issue is your gullibility. Apple have been raving control freaks since at least 1984.

Comment Re:It's kind of sad... (Score 1) 256

At least the something he is doing is to benifit people that vote, and not a company that puts money in pockets.

Because if there's one thing I hate it is money in pockets! That's why I'm glad Senator Franken gets paid well into the six figures to help scold private businesses for how they treat their non-paying "customers". I guess the money in *his* pockets doesn't count? Because what with the bailouts and health-care bill he voted for, I'm sure going to have a lot less money in *my* pockets, in spite of the best efforts of the company I work for to pay me a decent salary.

Please note: The whole reason companies exist is to put money in pockets. The pockets of those who risk their money to start the company and those who put in their time and ability to make the company successful. If you don't like how Facebook runs their business feel free to not sign on to their system.

Comment Re:Stay classy (Score 1) 290

They are not like Microsoft, where for the longest time there was no alternative to Windows.

Um, what? There was always an alternative to Windows. It was called MacOS, it was first released on January 24, 1984. That's over a year and a half before Windows 1.0 was available in November 1985.

But I note that any blindly anti-MS sentiment on Slashdot can get modded "insightful" no matter how contrary to fact it is.

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