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Comment Re:That's my big issue with them (Score 1) 1799

Ideals dont just burst out of nowhere, fully armed and ready to go. Ideals require agreement. It doesnt help that there are two seperate protests (the anti-US imperialism is not the OWS protest. They just tend to both be leftwing groups, but have very little to do with one another.) Look at this as step 1. We cant just magic up some ideals and some decisions out of nowhere. That wont work. So now the only way to do so, what with the rightwing trolls and all, is to stop playing on the itnernet and meet face to face. Much harder to disrupt such things. Thats whats happening. Will these protests single-handedly solve everything? No. That would be astounding and kinda weird. But it got attention. If getting attention to your cause means anything, this has succeeded. If you want everyone to understand the twofaced rightwing attacks, this is bringing them into hte open. This wont be a gate-toppling revolution. But then that was never its goal. You see this thread, you see 800+ comments, on SLASHDOT? (not known for being overly political.) A resounding success from my point of view. What happens after this is important. And, sadly, im sick. So all i can do is observe from the balcony.

Comment Driving and War (Score 1) 178

Driving and War seem to actually be the causes of climate change. So by climate change now driving countries to war, we have entered a stage not unlike a panic disorder, where everything circles back around to cause itself, perpetually. Like panic disorder, I fear we may not notice this til we're too late.

Comment Re:What does "Inaccurate" mean? (Score 1) 449

well sure, internal consistency is all you need to make a decent fantasy framework work. The trouble is most people cant remember what they had for breakfast today, let alone the complex interactions and contradictions in a fantasy world. And trust me, when your world involves 1000+ year old wizards who have only not destroyed their planet cause theyre way too interested in killing each other, you want consistency to distract everyone once you realise you accidently wrote a story about the Cold War with wizards and eventually a large amount of fail. (The fail comes at the end.)

Comment I wonder.. (Score 1) 62

How many people who should be making advancements that, you know, actually arent stupid? I mean these sorta things arent easy, and theyre useful, but that doesnt mean they aren't stupid and pointless and temptng educated scientists away from more important matters to the replication of consumer goods. ...Actually, I had more to say, but I got this sinking feeling in my stomach after writing that. I suddenly became very depressed.

Comment Good. (Score 1) 147

But we should be doing many of the things the comission said. But this is a good one especially. If we're going to have emergency services, why would we keep them on a line thats subject to being overwhelmed in the event of an emergency of catastrophic proportions? to superid: You wont be listening to any more radios, unless something along the lines of a massive terrorist attack happens. Then, with those radios being overwhelmed, you wont be left to stramble and make choices with anything but a local view of the immediate situation. Says right in the slashdot summary. Thats the major purpose of the network. Not so people who can already communicate well do, but to bring mor epeople on, without fear of the slew of services that manifest in the wake of a disaster being overwhelmed. Its really, really important if your night suddenly goes from "dehydrated kid with syncope" (by the way, who breaks into a small town EMT center in winter? Cold IV fluids certainly wake you up. jerk vandals.) to "level 5 hurricane" or "large fireball downtown" to be able to communicate in the now heavily used communications networks. Just sayin'

Comment Personal Backup (Score 1) 361

is what we call it, not piracy. If you own the game, you can own the ROM. At least thats what the rom sites i certainly have never visited or downloaded in mass quantities tell me. At least, I assume thats what they tell me. I wouldnt know since ive never gone to those sites. Infact ive never even heard of this "rom" thing. You have to tell me if youre a cop you know! I CANT BE COURT MARTIALED TWICE.

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