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Comment Re:Next up: (Score 3, Interesting) 69

It is important to get in your comments before the former telecommunication lobbyists at the FCC go ahead and do what they have announced they intend to do, give the telecommunication companies the right to charge the Internet companies that you already pay a monthly fee to gain access to . That way they can pretend that they considered all sides of the issue before they let the telecommunication monopolies gouge the suppliers (and indirectly, you)

Comment You have the faith of a small child (Score 1) 104

I sure don't suspect that. Putting up a GPS constellation is no small task. And here on earth there is a significant Earth bound support network that the GPS network interacts with to keep everything working.

Yes, it seems crazy that a space agency could overlook this. But less crazy than putting an entire GPS system in place. I actually think that this is more likely to be a manifestation of extremely poor journalism. But there is not going to be a GPS system in place over Mars before this gizmo ever attempts to make a landing, and if it really uses GPS in making a landing it isn't going to work.

Comment Re:better than what we have now (Score -1, Troll) 249

If the person fighting for this has no connection to the child, then he has no connection to the child and should shut the f*** up. I don't get to take advantage of every child's death to promote my beliefs and desires at the expense of others intellectual property, I see no reason why he should. If he has any connection to the child then where was he while the kid was being starved.

Comment Re:Superman logo is a Trademark (Score 1) 249

Congratulations, that's one of the stupidest things I've ever read on /. I don't even know where to begin, except to say that it sounds like your thinking seems to be, "Let me pick a position which I know will be unpopular, which must mean it is more correct than the popular position, and then go through some inane line of reasoning to support said position."

"They are the only people who would have actually earned it."

Everyone here is dumber for having read that.

Comment better than what we have now (Score -1) 249

The child was starved to death. Clearly this entitles him to use anyone else's Intellectual Property.

The child is never going to know that he didn't get to be considered a Superman for starving to death, and I really don't feel too bad for those who let him starve and now want a monument.

While I feel no compassion for those who want to hijack Superman in this case, I do agree completely with the idea that our copyright laws have been hijacked by big business (lead by Disney). The Constitution makes it clear that copyright protections are given for a limited time in exchange for the Intellectual Property passing into public domain. To let corporations like Disney buy politicians who openly admit that they never intend for some IP to pass into public domain is another case of American's right being completely disregarded by Washington.

Comment laws about that (Score 2) 139

The FAA has some very clear and very strict laws about that. A private pilot can not charge for transporting passengers. The on;y exception to this is that a passenger can pay for, at most, their share of the cost of expenses such as gas. That means if a private pilot transports two other people, each can pay for up to 1/3 of the costs for gas and such but the pilot must pay for his own share. And those costs absolutely can not include things like annual or hourly maintenance costs. If you luck out and find a pilot already making the same trip (I did once) you can get a great deal and help defer some of his costs. But you're not going to see private pilots legally offering their services on any wide spread basis.

Comment dead on (Score 2) 305

They are economists. Their "profession" is somewhat less respectable than astrologers. Anyone who puts any faith in anything that they say deserves to be a victim of their fraud. Sure, our whole economy might suffer, but since there is no real science to anything to do, it would suffer no matter if they used unaccepted research practices or not.

Comment This app is incompatible with all of your devices (Score 2) 82

Well, it is still considered Beta, but it has a big failure. I get the message "X This app is incompatible with all of your devices" when i go to download it, even though I have several Android devices it should be compatible with. I expect this is the same problem as I have seen with a few other apps, they are using a specific list of compatible devices and my Lenvo tablet just isn't in there. When are developers going to learn to be more inclusive in their supported devices, or at least let users download the apk file and trying installing it at their own risk?

Comment Re:Pick up a book and turn off the internet (Score 0) 254

It's like there's some strange black hole of information available on the internet that only happens around the super specific topic the Ask Slashdotter is interested in. I'm pretty sure all of these folks are the ones that were our best horses in Keener Bingo:


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