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Comment Brake more powerful than engine. (Score 1) 664

In the case of the TS, there was a report from NASA that says at page 15 that even at full power with depleted power vacuum brake assist, you can still get the car to stop by braking. And they showed it.

As for your argument of burnout, this is ussuassy done with the hand-brake, that only brake at the rear tires only.

You can get in problems with brakes if you let then run too hot, descending from a hill is a known example of this.

Comment MS has their own set of problems. (Score 1) 168

MS still lacks market share, and one of their main problems is that windows phone 7 is the last platform supported by apps builders. It is that bad that they consider running android on windows.

At the same time they have to push all phone makers to pay them patent licenses for patents for fat and what they madeup when windows mobile (5.x 6.x) was the big thing.

MS Never said to be open. They controll the gates to their app store, just like Apple takes full control of everything htat is allowed to run on their phone.

Beside your point of not being able to include google apps on them, developers are tied to using a devkit that does not have a lices that allows anyone to fork it.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

Forget fiat-money. Think what you need for a happy society.

Suppose you get valued by the things you do for the population, and get valued by that. Laziness wll result that you can only get very basic living. You are rich if people like your work.

Just redefine money and how it is valued, and you are one step closer.

And this situation is not hard to get to. High inflation("printing money") and/or high taxes will shrink the current capital, while at the same time you have tax income to spend on things we all have value from.

Comment Re:Why Not Just Block The IMEI? (Score 1) 341

Doesn't work.
-IMEI codes can be changed by a certain kind ROM flashing in lots of phones.
-Blocking is not mandatory, providers do not make it easy to block IMEI codes.

And the real culprit: This is a serious crime. Police should concentrate on getting the bad guys, track the stolen phones, put an end to the theft. Phones can be tracked and recoverd.

Of course carriers like the blocking and killswitch idea. Than they can sell phones. All stolen phones need to be replaced after all.

How about making it obligatory for carriers to track stolen phones. You must pay for the using the carriers network, so by following the money it must be possible to track the stolen phone to a new owner.

That way not only the victim can get his phone back, but also even the thief can be found. Maybe not the most economic way, but if you ever become the victim of robbery at gun/knifepoint you sure will agree that the economic cost of the phone was not the worst part.

Comment The real question is why. (Score 2) 119

Why did nagios take out the server out the hands of the community. Was there a fight in the community? Is this just a "it is named nagios, so it is ours"? Want do to some subscribtion? Sombody in the community took to big consulting fees?

At first it looks like that nagios has a name to loose, and more work to do by maintaining a lot of plugins and a extra site.

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