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Submission + - TNO studies WebM as alternative to H2.64 for deplo (

ReinoutS writes: "Dutch research institute TNO has published a report comparing WebM and H2.64 for large scale deployment within the Dutch public broadcasting company, re-using as much opensource components as possible. From the article (my translation): WebM is regarded as a potential video standard for HTML5, solving the plugin issue. Rarely it has been investigated whether it is possible to realize a WebM-based operational chain, taking into account the patent-position, video quality, encoding speed and existing infrastructures. The main conclusions are: At present it is impossible, without big investments, to develop a WebM-based live- and VoD service that is compatible with the existing infrastructure at the NPO [Dutch public broadcasting company]. The fact that Google is the driving force behind the development of WebM, combined with increasing support of other industrial partners provides confidence in the fact that WebM can constitute a serious alternative within a few years."

Submission + - Binary usenet groups prohibited in the Netherlands (

dutchwhizzman writes: Amsterdam based Usenet wholesale provider News Service Europe has been mandated by the court to remove all copyright infringing content on their servers, or face severe financial penalties. Dutch copyright MAFIAA organization BREIN has won a court case making the usenet provider responsible for the content posted on other platforms than their own.

Could this be the end of usenet as we know it, or will an appeal be won by NSE? Why didn't the judge make the provider that allowed the posts responsible? Why did the judge not honor the "cancel message" procedure that technically exists in the NNTP protocol?


Submission + - Battle for open standards in public education (

pjstevns writes: The heat is on! With the rising use of online systems for school administration the battle for open and accessible solutions is here, now. Parents are forced to buy 'proper' operating systems from your favorite Redmond based supplier — just to be able to access their childrens' grades, or participate in classes. A petition addressed at parliament for proper implementation of the open-standards guidelines put forward by the Dutch government itself is buzzing around the Netherlands. Comply or Explain!

Comment Re:Does it have a decent desktop? (Score 3, Informative) 111

If you want to put items on your desktop, that's simple: use gnome-tweak-tool or set the property to true manually. The fact that this isn't enabled by default doesn't convey an arrogant attitude, but is a simple design decision that flows from the fact that Gnome3 doesn't implement a traditional desktop metaphor, and it wants to minimize visual distraction. For sure, this doesn't mean Gnome 3 is finished. It's only just taking off. There's a lot more in store in the area of 'finding and reminding' in upcoming releases, for instance. In the mean time you can try out some of the Gnome Shell Extensions to tweak the environment to your liking.

Comment Re:So much wasted time... (Score 1) 294

I could understand it if they used Gnome2 as the foundation, and added to it, but they didn't.

That makes so little sense I can hardly believe you actually wrote that. Basically, the major (visual) change between Gnome 2.32 and Gnome 3.0 is that Metacity and gnome-panel have been replaced by Gnome Shell, in the default configuration that is. Did you really think that the Gnome developers put thousands of man-hours of development effort in the trash and started over from scratch?!

Comment Re:Don't Listen! (Score 1) 294

I open a Konqueror window w/ the folder that has those music files - be they mp3, wma, m4a or whatever, and I just put my cursor on the file - don't even open it. As long as my cursor is on top of it, the song in question plays. If I move my cursor away from that file, it instantly stops. If I wanted the playing to be uninterrupted, I'd go ahead and open the file in question w/ the music player of my choice - and under KDE, there are some 6 or more of them, not counting the video players. It's not doable under Gnome 2

Funny that you should give that as an example. Nautilus has been doing the same thing since at least 2004, probably earlier.


Submission + - LexisNexis open sources its Hadoop killer (

An anonymous reader writes: LexisNexis is releasing a set of open source data-processing tools that it says outperforms Hadoop and even handles workloads that Hadoop presently cannot.

Nokia Releases Qt SDK For Mobile Development 76

An anonymous reader writes "Nokia has released its unified Qt-based SDK for cross-platform development for Symbian and MeeGo (plus Maemo) devices. The blurb reads: 'Today sees the release of the Nokia Qt SDK, a single easy-to-use software development kit (SDK) for Symbian and Meego application development. Developers can now develop, test, and deploy native applications for Nokia smartphones and mobile computers. The beta version of the SDK is available for download from today, ready for developers to kick off development for new devices, including the just-announced Nokia N8.'"

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