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Comment Re:More obvious stories (Score 1) 685

We have two pro-corporate parties in the U.S. that both lean right. One that is batsh*t cray right, and the other is "sorry but I have to lean right". We don't live in a Democracy anymore, we live in a Corporate Representative Republic. With the Citizens United decision we will not change this for at least a generation, if ever.

Comment Re:Comments (Score 1) 383

I can't believe we are seeing people on Slashdot post this about the Corporate News sites.

They are not about facts, news or being intelligent. Did you see CNN's coverage of the balloon boy fiasco?

The Corporate News is about entertainment, giving the viewers what they want to see and making money.

Comment Re:Not sure I get the EC ruling (Score 1) 334

Spoken like a true neo-liberal capitalist.

Those arguments are relevant and the world is a better place because the EC considers them relevant.

The only criteria being "creating a monopoly" doesn't work because it promotes two big players rising out of every industry and them being allowed to destroy all the other entities they wish.

Government has a role and responsibility to protect its citizenry and such behavior clearly falls under that umbrella. It promotes competition as opposed to simply stopping monopolies.

Comment Re:Not sure I get the EC ruling (Score 2, Insightful) 334

I see many people, you included, thinking of this in terms of what MySQL is now. It would be terribly short sighted for every merger and acquisition evaluated by the appropriate regulatory bodies to look at it in that way. They need to look at in terms of what MySQL could grow in to. What MySQL could grow in to is what Oracle would compete with. Which is why Oracle wants to squash it and eat it. EC is right on and will stop this.

Comment Re:postgres people suck (Score 1) 207

Too arrogant!

The postgres developers, the poster above you (Just Some Guy) and yourself, as you proved quite aptly:

From the postgres site:

"A PostgreSQL database developer is someone who is actually working on the project, not someone using it to develop an application or a website. We don't hire programmers, we reach across the Internet, drawing the best database developers in the world to PostgreSQL"

People prefer MySQL over postgres because the community is friendlier. A friendly open community will be around longer, have more users and hence get more attention and address more real world problems for people.

I'll take a product that I can get support with over one I will get insulted asking a question about.

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