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Comment Re:Horribly misleading summary (Score 1) 681

Even if the 97% number is a complete fabrication, you'd have a very hard time finding someone who has studied climate for a living who has an opinion that humans haven't significantly contributed to the warming of the planet. Sure, you'll find the odd physicist or meteorologist - but no one who has made it their living to model the climate. Picking at the 97% number is really just grasping at straws and trying to win the argument on semantics.

Comment Re: That's unpossible. (Score 1) 212

The car. It would be far, far cheaper for you to install an electric resistance heater in your gasoline car and plug it in than it would be to purchase an electric car.

Versa: MSRP $12,000
Leaf: MSRP $29,000

Yeah, yeah, tax credit brings it down to $21,500. $9500 still buys you a lot of gas and morning 10-minute idles.

Comment Re:Location, location, location (Score 1) 212

All I needed to do was to show that CO2 is toxic and that we don't want it when we combust fossil fuels, we want the energy.

It's not toxic at all in any quantity that will be released from the burning of fossil fuels. It's a red herring and you do the whole debate a disservice by even mentioning it.

Nope, if that were true, we'd not have rising CO2 since those plants "who just adore extra CO2" would be taking it up.

Well, they are taking it up - just not as fast as we can burn it. They take it up on the geological time scale - we are burning it all in a few centuries.

And, yes, it DOES harm animals at this level: Climate change, dumbass.

Climate change is likely to help some animals and hurt others.

No animal likes to be in a species that goes extinct: it's quite harmful.

No, but the remaining species are quite fond of the newly-plentiful resources.

I'm not in any way arguing that man-made climate change is good, but your arguments are not really relevant and calling an ally a "dumbass" seems pretty counter-productive to your implied goals.

Comment Re:Location, location, location (Score 2) 212

No one is claiming that CO2 levels will approach anywhere near toxic levels. The danger with CO2 is almost exclusively global warming, though sometimes you do hear ocean acidification raised as a possibility. Unlike with your crisp packet, plants just adore extra CO2 and it does not harm animal life at the levels we are talking about.

I agree that it is a pollutant, but I don't think your thought experiment about the sealed room is persuasive.

Comment Re:Round and round. (Score 2) 252

Yeah, but you had the old guard saying that they didn't understand it - Warren Buffet comes to mind. And then with the housing crash you had someone as big as Goldman Sachs pulling back in 2007. This time you hear a little bit of head scratching, but it's hard to find someone with a lot of respect holding back. There was a LOT of money printed recently - this could help explain at least part of the run-up. Plus, any company that survived the market crash is probably a pretty strong company, so you have some pretty solid post-recession growth.

Comment Re:that's peanuts compared to the tweakers (Score 1) 213

The neat thing about that steaming pile of crap is that all it has to do is add a small amount of resistance and it will change the sound, so that they can claim an effect even in blind tests. Of course, so would a 5 cent resistor. :)

The bizarre quantum claims are outrageous. It doesn't even sound a little bit plausible.

Comment Re:Sweet F A (Score 1) 576

We also love to nuke ourselves in that book... While I like sci-fi, it's not the only genre that I read and I have to admit that it ALL seems a little cornball to me. It was still a really good book. :) I love the whole "Princess of Mars" series, too, despite actually laughing out loud at the cheesiness sometimes.

Comment Re:Sweet F A (Score 2) 576

I like the novel approach that "Footfall" took: the aliens aren't very smart - their technology came from a predecessor species on their planet that had driven itself extinct. Everything they could do with technology came from ancient documents. So they came in with a tremendous technology advantage, but also an evolutionary disadvantage.

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