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Comment Re:I laugh (Score 1) 13

Skipping past the rude jokes, what difference does that make?
At a deeper level, it seems you are asserting that humanity bootstrapped to full sexual reproduction, substantially in agreement with Genesis. You're not denying Evolution, like one of them Progress-denying Fundamentalist knuckle draggers are you?

Comment Re:*golf clap* (Score 1) 26

Let's go back to where you said

Life needs no 'point'. You needn't keep harping on that dead horse. Simple laws of physics sustain all.

The 'point' == http
Simple laws of physics sustain all == getting on the internet

My contention is that you can't really even evaluate 'sustain all' without at least tacitly accepting the existence of the underlying 'point' of life.
But we've previously circled this drain. I think you're either (a) trolling, or (b) a fool. And I really don't care which is the case.

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