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Comment Don't really need it (Score 1) 228

A lot of the things they are proposing I don't really need. I don't need my dishwasher or laundry machine to tweet me when they are done. Why? Because I run them in the middle of the night when the electricity is cheaper. I don't care when they finish. Besides if I did care they have this feature called a beep or chime. The Nest had a bit of attraction to me until I found out that all of the information was being sent to a central server. Surely processors are powerful enough that the predictions could be calculated on the thermostat itself. It's bad enough that I'm stuck with a smart meter. I don't need my habits being tracked by another organization. Besides my non-connected programmable thermostat is more than good enough.

I could see a smoke detector with some sort of thermal scanner that would only detect fires that would contact the fire department in emergencies being quite handy. But for the most part I see the Internet of things as doing stuff because we can do them and not because we need them.

Comment Nothing New (Score 1) 271

I think it was in the 1980s that the business world stopped being a place where you could join a company and expect it to look after you in return for your loyalty. I don't know why the author thinks the tech industry is so special that it would be immune from this.

One thing driving this, or at least in the past that I have seen, is that people are brought onto projects when there is the ability to do so, not when there is the need to. So when the times are good you expand your workforce even if you don't really have need to. Then when things look bad you let them go.

In one company I was doing some contracting for their managers level was determined by the number of people reporting to them. This led to a lot of fighting for projects and a lot of people being hired. And a couple of the "software engineers" were lucky to be able to turn on the computers at the start of the day.

Comment Re:False Flag (Score 1) 225

I can see this now:

IPCC releases latest report saying climate change is happening due to human causes
- Republican Party flagged this as false
- Greenpeace has flagged Republican Party's flag as false
- Koch Brothers has flagged Greenpeace's flag as false
- WWF has flagged Koch Brothers' flag as false ...

Comment Re:Just a thought... (Score 1) 53

I had to use one of their search tools (well, one from a company that they bought actually) when I was looking after the applications for a website. The only time I used the site search was when I had to try to diagnose a problem with it. For the most part those of us on the application support team used Google when we needed to find anything on our site because it provided better results.

I was sent for training on the product and the person giving the lessons used a major electronics company as an example site of their product. It was a horrible search engine that wouldn't always find things even if the pages existed.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
