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Comment Alternative (Score 2) 263

Instead of having a camera taking a picture of a chalkboard every X minutes all the time and uploading the pictures to a website how about replacing the chalkboard with a monitor that shows the menu from the website. Then change the menu on the website to look like a chalkboard. When the chef or manager wants to update the menu they use the computer in the office to change the file and upload the changes to the website. The display in the restaurant would get updated (it could poll the web server every minute or ten) automatically. Plus the menu becomes more accessible to those with disabilities.

Comment Re:Link to the study (Score 1) 351

I read a lot of books but am lousy at remembering the titles. If asked that question about the books I've read concerning food and agriculture I know that I've read at least four in the past year but can only remember the title of one, Cooked. I can give the summary of three but the title escapes me. One of my favourite authors is Patrick Rothfuss and I can remember he's writing The Kingkiller Chronicle but can't remember the books in it.

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