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Comment Re:Ukraine (Score 5, Informative) 165

Is Ukraine about to go nuclear again?

Putin wanted Ukraine to build a nuclear arsenal, because he knew that they would have to buy back the ones they gifted Russian in order to do so. Ukraine does not have a nuclear weapons program and would be starting from scratch. So no, Ukraine is not about to "go nuclear".

Russia Threatens Invasion Unless Ukraine Stops Stopping Separatists

In other words: Military power threatens invasion based on made up issue. Gee, where have we heard that before? It sounds like something we've witnessed recently. Oh shocker! I turns out that is pretty much always the case when someone invades someone else. Putin lost the diplomacy battle and now he's doing what he does best, and what he really wanted to do all along.

Dutch scramble jets after Russian bombers approach

Russia sends bombers out all the time, allegedly to test "the enemy". The NATO air police missions in the Baltic regularly have to scramble against Russian aircraft. Of course, that doesn't make for much of a story, so I can see why a journalist would forget to ask how often something like that happens.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 3, Interesting) 136

The problem with Google's prediction algorithm is that it consistently overshoots. The story was on /. about a month ago, as far as I can tell they're not only not predicting cases correctly, they aren't even attempting to distinguish between strains (how could they, they're predicting from search activity - flu victims rarely know their strain).

Comment Re:Luck resets every time you guess. (Score 2) 136

If you're using Firefox, you can download the Stylish plugin and make sure everybody conforms to your wishes by adding a rule for the "commentBody" class. Might also want to add one for the "tt" tag.

.commentBody {
              font-family: monospace;
              font-size: 14px;

This makes everybody's posts appear to use code tags. I find it readable, you might not, but you do have a say in it.

Comment Re:Especially solar cells and carbon fiber windmil (Score 0, Flamebait) 214

Oh noes! Not completely fucking over the next generations, because you're a dipshit, costs extra??? Who'd a thunk it? I mean, come on, who gives a flying fuck about the weather in 100 years, right? Who cares one shit about somebody 5 generations into the future when you can save a fucking dime per kW used? Nobody, that's who! Mod parent up --

Comment Re:Where do you draw the line? (Score 1) 650

The problem is a bit more complex than that. Microsoft has not really been all that informative about their end-of-life policy for their operations systems, and it is certainly nowhere to be found in the EULA or the contracts they happily signed for $$$ with the companies, that are now in a pickle because of it.

Further, Microsoft can support Windows XP, they just want more $$$ to do it (so, if they can do it for one company, and the goods they're selling are infinite, why can't they for all the rest?). If they offered a path to upgrade that didn't cost an arm and a leg, they wouldn't see this kind of lingering on XP that they do. If they spent a little more time streamlining their upgrade process and provided proper support for older binaries, maybe. Try to run a Win16 binary on Windows Vista+ and see what happens - hell, even binaries officially supposed to run under Windows 8 won't. Not every company has a bottomless budget for IT and development to remake their critical software, and Microsoft has until now seemed completely oblivious to that.

Lots of private customers are still lingering on XP too, why wouldn't they? It came pre-installed. It works. Its familiar. It won't get upgraded until the hardware dies. So, Microsoft, live with the consequences of your greed and offer free upgrades, it's not going to hurt the bottom line - hell, it might even prop up those dismal sales figures for Win8.

Or do the right thing and release XP as open source.

Comment Re:Thanks, but.... (Score 1) 217

Desktop apps are a very important part of our strategy. Initially, we are focusing on Windows Store apps with .NET Native. In the longer term we will continue to improve native compilation for all .NET applications.

I'm not your Google bitch, so you can figure out where that quote came from on your own yeah?

Comment Re:Thanks, but.... (Score 1) 217

This is actually fucking awesome. They've got native compilation of Win32/64 desktop and server apps on the road-map. You're right, nobody cares about the Windows Store, which is why they targeted those apps first (you know, developers, developers, developers and all that shit).

The FAQ clearly states that they're planning to propagate this feature to all .Net apps.

Desktop apps are a very important part of our strategy. Initially, we are focusing on Windows Store apps with .NET Native. In the longer term we will continue to improve native compilation for all .NET applications.

I'm guessing that means .Net 4.5+ apps, which in turn means Windows 8+. So here's for hoping that Windows 9 is not gonna suck so much donkey ball, that we can actually expect to be able to upgrade 7 -> 9 without relinquishing part of our soul to the UX demon-child they hired to "improve the user experience".

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
