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Journal Journal: Jean-etic Modification 1

Say it isn't so! After 150 years Levi Strauss & Co. is changing the fit of their classic 501 jeans. Apparently they are making the legs and rear a bit wider.

I predict Jay Leno is going to be all over this. "What is happening in this country? Are our butts so big now that even Levi's has to do something?"

Anita thinks I shouldn't care. After all I just buy whatever jeans Costco has in stock. But I remember my first job in a western clothing store, having to explain to the customers how to properly fit 501's because they would shrink two inches in height and one in the waist. Including explaining that this was a good thing because the jeans would form themselves to your body in the process...


Journal Journal: Personal Nanofacturing

Chris Phoenix has published a design for a personal 'Nanofactory'. Quote: "This paper describes the mechanisms, structures, and processes of a prototypical macro-scale, programmable nanofactory composed of many small fabricators." It seems this design could build many products, including a duplicate nanofactory. Of course it would be even more cool if the nanotechnology existed to create the first one...

Update: Submitted to /. front page.
Update update: Rejected.
Update update grumble: What? They rejected a story on nanotechnology, but accepted one on talking shopping carts? What is up with that?

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Journal Journal: One of those days 2

I feel like a freaking idiot...

I have been waiting for more than an hour for an important call, an over the telephone job interview. I was all prepared, with software already loaded on computers, reference materials handy and plenty of caffiene. But no joy: The phone never rings. Did they forget? Did something else come up? Did they have the wrong number?

Finally I checked the telephone. The power cord was pulled out just enough that it wasn't working.



Journal Journal: RIP Hal Clement

Kathryn Cramer is reporting that SF writer Hal Clement has died.

One of the good things about working in Michigan last year was that I got to meet Mr. Clement. The first time I ran into him was just about exactly a year ago at ConClave in Lansing. I didn't know who he was; I just saw an older guy struggling with a suitcase and offered to help. He seemed embarassed, but allowed me to carry his luggage. Later I attended a panel discussion featuring him and realized who that affable old man with a cane was.

Over the rest of the year he was at every SF convention I went to in Michigan, often hanging out in Hospitality and talking with anyone about anything. In many ways he reminded me of Pacific Northwest SF writer John Dalmas: Gentlemanly, unimpressed with his own fame, committed to the genre and always willing to stretch his mind with new thoughts.

I didn't know Hal Clement well, but already I miss him...


Journal Journal: YAML

YAML (aka YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human readable format for serializing and storing data. There is even an HTTP transport RPC mechanism (similar to XML-RPC) defined for YAML called OkayRpcProtocol.


Journal Journal: GNU Transport Layer Security Library 3

I seriously think this is something which could change the Internet drastically 1. I also think it is something the 'powers that be' 2 will be very concerned about if it does gain critical mass.

1 I suspect this change will accellerate the 'Balkinization' of the Internet as users start creating private zones of the like-minded. Among other things of course.

2 'Powers that be' is defined here as meaning anyone that thinks too much freedom is bad for people...


Journal Journal: Doing the Java Jive 2

Some friends came down from Bellingham and stopped by last night. The purpose of their trip was to go to a coffee 'cupping' at the home of another friend of theirs (and acquaintance of mine). And then today they are attending the Seattle Coffee Fest. All very Pacific Northwest, don't you know...

This sounded pretty interesting to me, and I haven't been out of the house much lately, so I tagged along to the cupping. I am what you might call a 'coffee connaisseur' in that I really like the stuff, scorn drip coffee makers and can talk knowledgably about coffee varietals and roasts. But I am not a patch on Ulysses who is probably best described as a coffee otaku, (except that he does have a life outside of coffee). So I expected to learn a lot about coffee, but had no idea the extent of education I was about to receive. You see Ulysses (who has worked as a coffee roaster in the past) is now roasting his own coffee at home using a hot-air popcorn popper! Furthermore, he and his wife are looking seriously into starting a small gourmet coffee shop specializing in hand-roasted coffees.

So the pupose of the cupping was to determine which, and what quantity, of several varietals should go into a special espresso blend. There were six coffees from different areas of the world (and a seventh that was decaffienated and wasn't for blending), each with varying degrees of flavor and body. We stood there slurping the brew from spoons and discussing the characteristics of each. Then Ulysses demonstrated the roasting method using my favorite from the varietals (a very nice Kenyan with all the good florals and grapfruityness of typical Kenyan coffees, but less of the characteristic acidic sharpness). Aftwards I was presented with the results to take home.

Fascinating! Anything involving process appeals to my geeky nature, and (like brewing beer) if it also results in an end product I enjoy the appeal increses exponentially. So now I am thinking seriously about digging out my old popcorn popper and buying some green coffee beans. Oh, and I had some of that Kenyan this morning and it is really quite good when made in a french press, although I think in the future I will blend it with a Columbian dark-roast for more body...


Journal Journal: WAP, Binary XML and the inevitablility of design rot

The Open Mobile Alliance has been plugging away for several years now, generating documents describing the architecture and standards for wireless applications for small devices (WAP). Thousands of man hours that are mostly going to waste because, well, WAP is dead just as soon as the next generation of cell-phone/PDA hybrids becomes the standard and there is no longer a reason not to use good old TCP/IP, HTTP, HTML (and all those other protocols that require more horsepower than 1998 cellphones could provide and more bandwidth than 1998 cell systems could pump out). Sometime soon, probably less than two years from now, WAP will become yet another footnote in computing history.

In a way that is too bad, but it is an old story. I can't tell you how many projects I know of that did some cool stuff only to disapear forever, victims of 'design rot' where they became obsolete even before they got off the drawing board. Perhaps because someone else (possibly with a worse design) got there first and owned the market. Possibly, like WAP, they fell victim to Moore's Law. Or maybe the problem they intended to solve really wasn't a problem in the first place.

Of course much of WAP is over designed and therefore too complicated to easily implement, so perhaps it deserves to die off. Certainly they could have thought ahead a little and realized they didn't need to re-invent quite so many wheels...

But one cool (and really needed) thing the WAP people did was create a standard for Binary XML known as 'WBXML'. This is something that W3C has been unable to do despite the fact nearly everyone wants it. Of course the WBXML design is a bit over the top (with bizaare things like arbitrary byte-count integers using bit-fields -- that is what happens when data size is your first priority). But the design exists and can be implemented and that is more than anyone else I know of can say.

Interestingly WBXML might actually be something that survives WAP. There is a GPL licensed implementation of WBXML called (appropriately enough) 'libwbxml2'. So if W3C doesn't get off its butt soon and come up with a better design it seems likely people are going to start using WBXML as a stop-gap. Which means WBXML may become a de-facto standard; weird bit-fields and all.

Meaning that one victim of design rot might just have a legacy that causes design rot somewhere else. It could happen!

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Journal Journal: Microsoft Bytes 3

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!! Shit, schist, caca, merde!!!

Sorry about the language there, but I am really pissed off right now. Partly at myself, I should have backed everything up before I started. I know that. But mostly I am pissed at Microsoft...

What I am I talking about? I have been doing rolling upgrades on the computers here at home since I got back from Michigan. Taking it slow, just a little at a time. First I built myself a new machine and moved all my stuff over to it. (Quite a cool new machine too, I should post pics.) Then I moved my wife's stuff from an old HP running Win 98 to my previous machine, being as that was quite an upgrade for her. Finally, today, I upgraded her box from Win 98 to Win XP. I had some problems, but I got it done and was setting up the accounts when I discovered something that had me cursing like a sailor up to his neck in bilgewater...

The Win XP upgrade process ate my wife's Outlook Express Data Folder! No shit! Everything!

It works like this: In Win 98 the identities are stored in the Windows directory, with the data files for the programs using an identity stored as subdirectories of the identity folder. In Win XP you have a Win 2000 style 'Directories and Settings' folder that contains a subdirectory for each user, with identities for that user stored under that. And so on and so forth.

So far, so good. I had forgotten about Win 98 putting data in the Windows folder and didn't think to back up the files there. And honestly, I might not have done so if it had occurred to me -- after all, you would think Microsoft had tested for an upgrade preserving the data files of one of their own applications? Wouldn't you?

Apparently not. In the upgrade process Win XP simply blew away anything in the Windows folder it didn't need. Bye bye hundreds of megabytes of email. Right down the bit bucket.

One saving grace; we gave Anita's old HP to a friend who is always looking for boxes to add to his SETI cluster. I called him up and he hadn't reformatted the drive yet and, yes, the files are still there. He is burning a CD of the files as I type so, hopefully, I will be able to restore the bulk of the lost email and address book. Unfortunately there is a week or so gap that is lost forever, but this is better than nothing.

But damn... Fuck...

All you Linux Geeks can start ranking on me now!

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Journal Journal: Home and healing 1

Anita is home and today is feeling well enough to answer email and post to her weblog. Still no word on the biopsy results, but I will take my rays of sunshine where I can get them. And today we have sunshine, after several straight days of rain. Including yesterday, which broke records. For Seattle. For rain in Seattle...


Journal Journal: 1001 Fonts

1001 Fonts has easily more than an thousand and one fonts available, well categorized, rated and searchable. The site UI is well-designed (except the front page) and makes it easy to select the fonts you want. Most of the fonts available for download are freeware and the license terms are described for each font.

Useful as hell when you want that special font. But cool to just browse on a rainy day as well...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Good News (sort of) 4

I just got home after 28 hours at the hospital with Anita. A friend is staying with her for a few hours whilst I catch a quick shower and head back.

The surgery went fine. The oncologist/surgeon performed a full hysterectomy and the tumors were evaluated by a pathologist who determined that they were malignant; however there was no sign of spread. The cancer seemed very localized and the oncologist is currently staging it as a 1b or 1c.

Of course everything depends on the biopsy reports for the lymph nodes and such, but if those turn out negative this means it is very possible Anita might not even require chemotherapy! This news is an incredible relief to me because I did all the appropriate googling and found that five year survival rates for women over forty-five with stage 3 ovarian cancer were considerably less than 50%, and ten year survival rates even worse -- a very frightening prospect and one that has kept me awake at night for several days now.

However survival rates for stage 1 ovarian cancer, even when chemotherapy is required, are much more optimistic. So, all in all, this truly is good news!

Thank you all for your concern and prayers, and an especial thank you to the local friends who are helping us get through this -- especially mentioning Jane and Tammy who sat with me through the long wait for the surgery last night. This whole thing is horrid enough without having to face it alone and your support means a lot to Anita and myself...

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