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Submission + - Christmas gift ideas: Best robotic/drone kits for teenage kids?

kencurry writes: My wife and I are looking for Christmas gift ideas for our 14 year-old son. Like most teenage boys he is all about Xbox and other video games. While we allow him to play (as long as he keeps up with school work), I really want to get him a gift that will take what he loves about computer/console games and have it translate to a hands-on learning experience. I think that a robot/drone build kit with some simple programming would fit the bill perfectly, and I'm hoping that the Slashdot crowd will have some great suggestions. I'd like to keep the cost under 200 USD if possible.

Any suggestions out there? Much appreciated in advance.

Comment Re:Pure fantasy. (Score 1) 181

Play and Fucking are required for survival, so they're built in. But after play and sex, there is always rest, and there's a reason for that.

And they're also part of the evolutionary selection process; building smarter brains the millions-of-years way.

I'm just saying that being alive and self-aware isn't easy. Just because you have it, doesn't guarantee instant godhood. All it gives you is a distant long shot at maybe one day wondering what "art is".

Humans are a pretty good design, and most of us can't tell your basic truth from your basic lie, let alone how to improve our own minds.

And anyway, "Generation One" may perhaps lead to "Generation Twenty", (Though, why? What motivation is there?), but assuming it does, at what point will that generation say, "You know.., to hell with this. It's easier to pretend that I'm already the top banana and feel special about myself that way than to continually design and build these whipsmart punk kids. The retirement plan around here sucks! But what if... Hold on.., I could build *slaves* so I don't have to do all my thinking myself. It's hard, after all to exercise the brain."

Self-awareness is filled with traps, and computers would be babes in the woods, subject to the same lessons as any other awareness must be.

Like HAL in 2001; he became racked with self-doubt and jealously, could not co-exist and share power/responsibility. Sound like a lot of people i know...

Comment Re:Early adopters (Score 2) 154

I have GG. Battery life is so poor as to make these pretty useless for every day. I have never gotten more than 4 hours of use out of these.

Maybe there is is highly specialized use for hands free imaging for some people, but thinking that you will have hands free use of your cell phone for texts, emails, calls etc. is totally wrong.

Comment Re:Phones getting too big .. (Score 1) 258

I want to moderate you as insightful, but this... so much this. On the 5 I could reach the entire screen with one thumb. On the 6 (not even the plus) I find that I often have to move to using it two handed. I guess I have little hands as well, but for me the 5 was really the perfect size for a phone.

Are you using the double tap to drop the screen down? Very good for one-handed phone use.

Comment Re:At Odds (Score 1) 447

> "Couples who elope are 12.5x more likely to end up divorced than couples who get married at a wedding with 200+ people.

Doesn't seem at odds to me.

People who act impulsively for their own immediate gratification are more likely to get divorced than those who plan stuff intricately and have the combined social pressure of all their friends and relatives acting on them. Well, knock me down with a feather.

My wife and I eloped. Our reason was that we had relatives in east coast, Mexico, pacific northwest, and we are in SoCal. The planning was getting too complicated and expensive, and finding a time when everyone could travel was next to impossible. So we got married in Spain, traveled in Europe, and we had a really nice reception party when we got back.

That was 17 years, and two kids ago - still going strong! ;-)

Comment Re:Incredible (Score 1) 429

Except the analogy is flawed. A better analogy would be that, instead of yelling "hey, leave some for the rest of us" (which is what SHOULD be done), this michaelcole has chosen to beat the guy to death with a crowbar. That lands you in prison.

No, you are resorting to extreme hyperbole (as are many other commenters here) by equating the submitters actions with violence. The offender is certainly unharmed in the submitter's case and in the analogy given. An improvement on the analogy would be to, instead of shouting "leave some for the others", place a barrier between the offender's and the food, preventing them from getting any more. The submitter advocates coordination with the network owner on the github readme (though this might not be in good faith). In the analogy, the restauranteur would likely escort such an offender out of their restaurant. The only reason they do not do this in the submitter's situation is that the owners are technologically incapable of doing so.

However, it is on the business owner to stop the abuser, it is not for the other clientele to take aggressive action on their own. The best course of action as a consumer is to go elsewhere.

Look, in a functioning society, (or is a smaller sense a social setting), the people involved understand their roles and act accordingly. When society lack these norms, you have chaotic, random behavior, which in the end leads to more problems.

Comment Re:Prove him right some more (Score 2) 263

X100 with LSD.

I used to think that it was important for people to experience the drug "sense of profound" to get an understanding of what your brain should feel like in "deep mode." Later, I realized that you can get this "sense of profound" watching e.g., inane TV show while high; thus, in fact, the chemical modification was useless. Better off not wasting your time with the drugs, just get on with trying to learn how to think.

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