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Comment Re:Therefore Global Warming NO REAL (Score 1) 235

The people who don't have a fucking clue are the ones that are screaming that there's a pause when the global temperatures don't break new records every single year.

We did break temperature records in 2014. Cold temperature records. Records that were over a century old. Yet, somehow, according to the warming apologists, 2014 was still the hottest year on record.

Comment Re: I feel it in Houston (Score 1) 235

So, we have a western 1/3 of the country that's on average 5-7 degrees warmer than average. Then, we have a central and south east 1/3 that's 5-7 degrees colder than average. These two together make Feb 2015 a completely normal month, as far as averages go.

But then, we've got that 1/4 of the country in the north east around the Great Lakes that's at least 13 degrees colder than average. That will hugely skew the country's average for the month down, making Feb 2015 significantly colder than average.
I can virtually guarantee, though, that the warming apologists will be saying in 9 months or so, that every month this year has been warmer than average so far, and 2015 is on track to be the HOTTEST YEAR EVARRR!!!!!1!!11!1eleeventy.
I know this, because the exact same thing happened in 2014. Almost everywhere on earth was average or significantly colder than average (like, 6-10 degress C colder than average for most of the northern hemisphere) for the entire year, with the exception of a 3-4 degree C above average heat wave in Australia for the first few weeks of the year. Yet, somehow, in December, 2014 was on track to the the warmest year on record, ever.

Comment Re:I feel it in Houston (Score 1) 235

So when the temperature falls, it's due to external factors - solar minimum, ocean currents, whatever - but when the temperature rises, it's solely due to human produced carbon dioxide? While that's not exactly specified in what you wrote, I hear that A LOT from global warming proponents.
The concept of warming temperatures being due to external factors, just like cooling temperatures, is completely inconceivable to a lot of global warming proponents.

Comment Re:Awesome Models (Score 1) 235

And then all this garbage about the "hottest year ever".

If you're referring to 2014, I think it's just flat out wrong. Almost the entire northern hemisphere experience about a 9 month stretch that was 5-10 degrees colder than normal, to the extent of breaking cold temperature records that were a century old or more. Australia reported a heat wave for a couple of weeks at the beginning of 2014 that was about 4-5 degrees warmer than normal, but that's about all I've been able to find. That is certainly not even close to enough to compensate for the HUGE span of time that the north was significantly colder than normal.
If 2014 is the "hottest year on record," that points more to a failure in our methods of measuring average global temperature than the actual temperature being higher.

Comment Re:Let's do the Chicken Little Climate Change danc (Score 1, Insightful) 235

Not trying to disprove global warming here. Isolated events taken out of context are not proof.

The problem is that every single event that refutes global warming is an "isolated event taken out of context," whereas every single event that points to global warming is "part of an undeniable pattern."

Comment Re:Let's do the Chicken Little Climate Change danc (Score 1) 235

Remember the whole "polar vortex" thing in North America last year? That thing that's repeating this winter? The bitterly cold temperatures are causing pipes to freeze. Pipes that are inside heated and insulated houses.
It's getting so damned cold from arctic air making it farther south than normal that people are being advised in some Canadian cities to keep their taps running 24/7 so they don't freeze, and their water bill will be adjusted so they don't pay for the extra water that they use.

If the arctic air coming south is so cold that it's causing issues like this, how is it even remotely possible that the arctic is warm enough for glaciers to be melting in huge amounts due to temperature?

Comment Re:Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) (Score 3, Informative) 235

Bullshit. If I have a glass half full of boiling water, and a glass half full of ice water, the two glasses have an average temperature of around 50 degrees C. If I pour one into the other, the hot water will cool, and the ice water will warm; but the average temperature is still 50 degrees.
The heat was redistributed, but the average temperature hasn't changed.

This is exactly what ocean currents do; redistribute heat on the earth. A high El Nino/La Nina year like 1997, while it may warm the Arctic, cools the tropics at the same time, keeping the average temperature the same. Despite the "climate change chicken dancer's" claims, a high El Nino/La Nina year cannot affect the average temperature of the earth to any significant extent. Since, considering 1997, it appears to do so, then our method for measuring the average temperature of the earth is badly flawed. We obviously have more temperature measuring locations in spots that are warmed by El Nino than spots
And before you say these currents are carrying this heat to the bottom of the oceans, remember that study last year that analyzed ocean temperature data from 2005 to 2013, and found the oceans didn't measurably warm during that period. That was the entire time period they analyzed data for.

Despite the climate change proponents claims, the peak global average temperature of 1997 was not, and could not, be caused by ocean currents. And, despite the majority of the northern hemisphere having the coldest year in decades in 2014, in some cases breaking winter cold temperature records that were a century old or more, and a summer that saw people with quilts and comforters on beds, rather than the single sheet or nothing at all that summer sleeping usually requires, the global warming proponents are still saying that 2014 was the warmest year on record. Really? Was the south pole on fire? Because unless it was, the southern hemisphere certainly wasn't warm enough to counteract the 6-10 degrees C cooler than average that the northern hemisphere saw. Sure, Australia had a heat wave at the beginning of 2014, with temperatures a measly 4 degrees higher than normal for a few weeks. Hardly enough to counteract the 9 months of significantly colder than average temperatures that the north saw.

Comment Re:Not even close (Score 2) 181

Original submitter, here.
Are you talking about ads on TPB site, or within the /. story page?
TPB is actually one of the big reasons I first started blocking ad servers at my router. If I was searching for something with the HTPC that the kids HAD TO WATCH NOW, to see if it was available, I didn't want them seeing the various dating and sex site ads that were pretty much all you'd see on TPB.
So, I blocked some of the most notorious ad networks at the DNS level on my router, which solved that problem, and a whole lot of ads on other sites, too. Those overly loud auto play video ads for various pointless crap that show up in forums and such, I never see. Those were done in my second round of blocking after TPB stuff. Every once in a while I go through my squid proxy logs and see what other ad and tracking networks are showing up, and disable them. Best thing is, if I buy a new computer, it's automatically protected, without AdBlock/FlashBlock/CrapBlock/etc being installed.

I guess what I'm trying to say it is, if there are ads on TPB, then I didn't see them before submitting. And if there are ads on the /. story page, well.....I don't see them, either.
Sorry if the story caused you any trouble that was my fault.

Submission + - The Pirate Bay is back online, properly

cbiltcliffe writes: About a month ago, a story was submitted that the Pirate Bay domain name was back online. This story mentioned a timer, which supposedly showed the time since the police raid. I didn't notice at the time, but a more recent check showed this counter was counting down, not up, with a time to reach zero at the end of January. Sometime around a week ago, the waving pirate flag video changed to a graphic of an orange phoenix, and a disabled search box showed up. I've been watching the site since, and now, about 12 hours before the timer was to reach zero, the site is back up, complete with searches.

Comment Re:trendy (Score 1) 467

Security essentials is ok and doesn't spam you, but it's just ok.


Security Essentials used to be just ok. Over the past year or so, it's turned into the most useless piece of crap I've ever seen. I used to recommend it as a free option for some people, but lately I've been ripping it out of every machine I see it on, in the same way I used to do with Norton a few years back.

Comment Re:In after somebody says don't run Windows. (Score 2) 467

You don't need no brakes on your car to study what happens to some other guy when they crash their car.

Similarly, I don't need antivirus on my computer to reverse engineer the infected files I pulled from a client machine; which, incidentally, their antivirus said was clean, and I found them manually. (But wait! How did you find them without the antivirus telling you that they were infected?! That's unpossible!!! <head explodes>)

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