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Comment Re:Still won't help... (Score 1) 231

I presume the moderator of the parent who modded it "Troll" was an Apple Fanboy and not an Apple App Developer.
No idea why that post is modded Troll.. It's perfectly true. You wouldn't catch Google banning perfectly sensible apps and constantly moving the qualification goalposts.

Comment Re:a gun (Score 1) 825

> Actually, come to think of it, a well-trained dog is probably one of your better security options.

RTFA. This thread is about *home* security for which dogs are almost useless. A dog is always with you, so whenever you're not there your dog won't be either. You can't leave your dog at home while you go on vacation. That's not much help if someone tries to break in when you're out (which is kinda the norm for burglars in most cases).

Comment Re:Here's how this will go... (Score 1) 205

> Who the heck even clicked on ads in the first place?

What a stupid comment! Millions of people click on ads every day. It's the whole reason Google exists (and many other websites) and why it's one of the richest companies in the world. The founders of Google (Larry Page and Sergey Brin) who are each worth $17.5 BILLION dollars I think would tell you that people do actually click on their ads!

Comment Re:C-sharp (Score 1) 565

> Except that Microsoft's grip on the PC Desktop market is slowly but surely slipping away.

They said that 10 years ago, but it hasn't made any noticable impact yet.

> Except that Linux is being requested more and more, with no sign of stopping.

Less and less you mean? Dell have actually just stopped shipping machines with Ubuntu as nobody is ordering them anymore. According to my own stats, the percentage of people visiting my websites who are running linux is falling - not rising. Perhaps you live in a country where it's more popular - but it seems to be dying here in the UK.

> Except that, outside the PC Desktop and XBox, Microsoft has at most 20-25% of the market.

Not sure where you get that from! They have a 65% share of the server market for a start. src. Your figures might be correct for *web servers* perhaps, but certainly not for the server market as a whole.

> Except that C# is a ticking time bomb that will either go free

Huh?! Unlike Java, C# is a totally open and free language - it's a public standard just like C and C++.

Comment Re:C-sharp (Score 0, Flamebait) 565

> A commercial software developer would have to be nuts to put their company entirely into Microsoft's basket

Yes because it's just commercial insanity to back the fastest rising programming language produced by the market leader who has by far the biggest market share... Seems to have worked out OK for the vast majority of companies that have done it though. I'll stick with C# thank you (despite being trained in C++ and Java) - because that's where all the jobs are at the moment, which is kind of relevant when considering a career.

> C++, or Java would be better choices for a Windows application because it remains portable, it's easier to go from version to version of Windows.

Totally disagree about Java. Java is *notoriously* bad for developing windows apps (slow performance and high RAM usage) which is the whole reason it's never really taken off outside the academic and science communities. Personally, I've got 80 applications installed on this machine and not a single one of them is written in Java. In fact I can't even think of any popular apps that run under the JVM. C++ however is obviously very widely used and multi-platform.

Personally I'd go with a .NET language (C#) as it's very easy to learn and therefore will be quick for the OP to get back in the game.

Comment Here's how this will go... (Score 3, Funny) 205

Here's how this will go...

1. Online behavioural tracking and 3rd party cookies outlawed
2. Adverts shown to us are now even less relevant / interesting than they were before.
3. We all click on far fewer adverts as a result.
4. Websites make far less money from their advertising
5. Vast majority of free websites go bankrupt or become subscription only so we stop using them.
6. The concept of the 'free' (as in beer) Internet is lost in history.

It's a LOSE - LOSE situation. When will people realise that well targetted and appropriate adverts are good for everyone?

Comment Re:Yes (Score 2, Insightful) 646

> If you want an accurate and optimally capable monitor, then when dynamic range and color gamut are equal,
> the glossy display will be superior every time.

Unless of course, there's any light in the room - in which case the *matte* display will be superior every time due to it's far superior anti-reflective properties over a glossy display.

Comment Re:3M (Score 1) 646

I bet anyone that's bought that product has only left it on their screen for a day or two before realising it's a stupid idea. LCD screens look crap with a poor viewing angle. Why apply a product which degrades the quality of your screen so much *intentionally*?

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