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Comment The Radoactive Boyscout - David Hahn (Score 1) 326

The real reason? BoyScouts are NO longer encouraged to persue the Merit Badge for Atomic Energy, since Scout David Hahn did his in 1994-1995, and was arrested!! I share with Scout Masters everywhere the sadness of the lack of foresight of the scientific community in supporting Scouting, and the onerous over-sight by the Nuclear Regulatory Commision! Where is the sense of adventure? "Although his homemade reactor never achieved critical mass, it ended up emitting dangerous levels of radioactivity, likely well over 1,000 times normal background radiation. Alarmed, Hahn began to dismantle his experiments, but a chance encounter with police led to the discovery of his activities, which triggered a Federal Radiological Emergency Response involving the FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. On June 26, 1995 the United States Environmental Protection Agency, having designated Hahn's mother's property as a Superfund hazardous materials cleanup site, dismantled the shed and its contents and buried them as low-level radioactive waste in Utah. Hahn refused medical evaluation for radiation exposure.[2]" Wiki.

Comment uses pirated Software!!! (Score 1) 507

The DATABASE is pirated from Spry Media, and the copyright removed... it is GPL (V2)... Leave it to the government, to pferform major theft of Intellectual Property! And, to charge the American taxpayer $534 MIllion! Though it cost 356 times MORE than the Ipod 5 rollout, it is not even 2X better!!!

Comment They ARE running Open Source GPL V2! (Pirated DB!) (Score 1) 307

The Healthcare.Gov DataBase is LICENSED under GPL v2 by Spry Media, but, after the PIRACY, CGI wiped off the acknowledgement! There's lots more about it all! Like, Hiring Mainframe folks INSTEAD of website developers and a few good proper programmers! You wouldn't think they needed so much money, as not to hire a few good folk! Contracted at $83.4 Million, can't imagine contractors couldn't do it for anything less than $634 Million! Apple spent $1.5 M for the iPhone 5...

Comment XP is DEAD? Thank the POWERS! (Score 1) 426

More will rush to my door, for dual core HP dc7100 CMT systems, selling for $60.00 at the Seminole county Florida Library Bookstore! Loaded with Linux Mint 13... IMMUNE to the 50 MILLION Microsoft Virus!!! Runs upto 200 times FASTER than Microsoft in all the processes needed to get little pixels on the screen! But, you knew that, right?

Submission + - Brazil announces plans to move away from US-Centric Internet (

trbdavies writes: Associated Press reports: "President Dilma Rousseff ordered a series of measures aimed at greater Brazilian online independence and security following revelations that the U.S. National Security Agency intercepted her communications, hacked into the state-owned Petrobras oil company’s network and spied on Brazilians who entrusted their personal data to U.S. tech companies such as Facebook and Google. The leader is so angered by the espionage that on Tuesday she postponed next month’s scheduled trip to Washington, where she was to be honored with a state dinner." Among Brazil's plans are a domestic encrypted email service, laying its own fiber optic cable to Europe, requiring services like Facebook and Google to store data generated by Brazilians on servers located in Brazil, and pushing for "international rules on privacy and security in hardware and software during the U.N. General Assembly meeting later this month."

Comment An interactive database of FLOSS software, (Score 1) 356

I really need an interactive web based database of software, such as is on, but, that updates itself with the use of web crawlers. (And, does ballistics for the Mosin Nagant 1891/30 using the various loads and bullet weights that are available to buy or load in the 7.62x54r cartridge! Or, a one click movie/book/music database? ) Does abc programs work with, supported in, the XYZ OS? If I give Jane her Linux Mint 13 program, will it function to output viable info that is readable in the abc program on the XYZ OS of Bob, Jim, Pat, and Carol? Does 48 grains of AA powder cause excessive pressures if behind a .3105" Boat Tail jacketed bullet, in a 28.7 inch barrel? Can the range increase from a useable 2000 meters to the 3000 meters the bullet is capable of traveling? Owners/users of 42.5 million Rifles/Carbines, might want to know!

Comment Huge reward was that (Score 2) 141

The HUGE reward was that I moved on, while that small company continued to fail, and actually tried to bribe Government investigators, as to their contract qualifications! They cheated 49 staff employees out of pay, intimidated everyone, and stole works from legitimate competitors. Glad they are gone from this classified government contracting arena, they won't be missed. I still wonder if they were on the payroll of foreign governments who are enemies to free countries. Well, my work there was done, and these workers won many awards from the clients, but, all glory and money was stolen from us, by the bosses! Dilbert moment, in real life! Nope, I got no cash reward, nor did the other folks who joined me in turning in this scum to several agencies. Our reward is that evil did NOT win in any way, and we are still a FREE people! Charges were brought, fines were levied, Jail was threatened for the bosses. BTW, I don't give a crap about the proprietary software venue, but, theft is a crime, as is mistreatment of employees, and sooner or later, evil villains will fall. Happy to have stopped their massacre of innocent victims! Often, the theft of Intellectual Property is only the tip of the iceberg! If they don't run FLOSS, I am very wary of working for them! Using only proprietary software, indicates that they are not the right kind of intellect to use all available tools, and can't compete with those who do use Free, Libre, Open Source Software! IOW, I can't tolerate idiots as bosses! I fire them as soon as they answer my question about FLOSS use, during the interview!

Comment It's the ciruit breaker load, stupid! (Score 1) 497

It is NOT how many gadgets are plugged into an outlet, it's how much power burden you've placed on a 15A, 20A, or 30A 120VAC circuit breaker! NEC has 6 duplex outlets on a 15A, 20A, or 30A breaker. I have run 15 computers with CRT monitors, a router, and some phone chargers on a circuit. When I power up my Ham Radio "Shack", it is on it's own 30A 120VAC circuit breaker. I wire my own panels, and circuits, with GFCI devices included. I built a Linux cluster, and coincidently (I hope!), the lights dimmed downtown when it booted up, whilst the Ham Radio "Shack" was also going! Now, neighbors report that UFO's have been hovering over my home. Oh, bother!

Comment Over 250, and counting... (Score 1) 559

I refurbish any and all computers folks bring, wiping out that virus, Microsoft, with the install of Linux Mint, on about 600 systems each year. I am a HAM, and all but one of my 4 transceivers, and three HF/VHF scanners is cpu controlled. Then, I have cable TV, broadband internet, and Vonage phones, so, those three boxes have processors, as do the MythTV and Tivo boxes, and all the TVs, and the DVD players. The 5 switches and routers on our home network contain processors. EVERYTHING in the kitchen has a processor! So, Microprocessors are everywhere, as even the Atomic Clock, and my clock radios, Microwave Ovens, and, the Refrigerator are able to accept software updates! I have stopped counting at 250, and realize that my thermostat runs a microprocessor and is able to be flashed!

Wikileaks DDoS Attacker Arrested, Equipment Seized 429

kaptink writes "The self proclaimed hacker that waged a DDoS attack on Wikileaks has been arrested and has had all his equipment seized. What is interesting is that local police conducted the raid and not a federal authority such as the FBI. The Jester (th3j35t3r) who has a reputation for attacking websites he disagrees with is said to be trying to raise $10,000 in expected lawyers fees. If anyone is going to be alight in the whole Wikileaks debacle, its going to be the lawyers. Personally I think anyone who spells their nick with numbers in an effort to look 'leet' deserves to have their computer confiscated."

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