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Comment for the love of god (Score 4, Insightful) 152

Is it going to take violence to get things fixed?

Seriously. The only thing that's going to accomplish anything anymore is outright violence. Maybe then 'the people who need to know' (whoever they are) will start taking notice at the bullshit that's going on in our patent system (hell, any dysfunctional system). Talk doesn't work. Diplomacy doesn't work. The democratic process no longer works. Peaceful protest doesn't work. What else is there? These patents are directly attacking damn near everyone in commercial and professional photography. And when a bullshit patent is used to attack a person's livelihood or their means of supporting their family or their passion, and the result can leave them destitute, how is that any different than a violent attack against that person?

Patenting something like this with this much prior art (fuck photography, anyone who has ever applied 3 point lighting and used the plain white background in 3d studio project preferences has prior art) is outright bullshit.

Comment Re:Um. WRONG. (Score 1) 323

Anime on Netflix is streamed in both japanese subbed and english dubbed. Check your Chromecast/Roku settings (audio track, cc/subtitles). I abhor dubbed anime and I've got 0 complaints with Netflix.

Additionally, I've read that Viz Video is coming to Netflix this year (2014) bringing Ranma (the one anime I prefer dubbed) woot.

Comment What does this mean? (Score 1) 202

I'm sure this is very naive. I'm not doubting, or even skeptical, I just want further understanding.

These claims are always made but never really expand on what the repercussions are. What exactly does it mean that things would be devastating to our modern electronics? Cell phones blowing up in our pants pocket? Computers catching on fire? I doubt those things mainly because something damaging enough to cause a gadget to self-immolate likely would be just as damaging to our biology. Is it stuff as (comparatively) mundane as everything needing to be reset/restarted? I have no doubt that's a huge pain in the ass and can cause legitimate issues depending on venue (satellites, power plants, airplanes, people driving, etc). Significant inconvenience yes and unfortunately deadly for some, but it does not seem like the literal 'death from above' that this comes across as.

Electronic devices suddenly stopping, society is likely recoverable. Electronic devices suddenly self-immolating/exploding, society likely isn't recovering.

[hollywood isn't make things easier either, everything either stops dead or explodes cataclysmic-ally]

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