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Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

Put some fear of real punishment into the hearts of the people who can't control their drinking and they might be less inclined to try their luck.

As a person who was charged with a DUI after having ONE BEER (I was in no way impaired) when stopped at a roadblock, there are serious problems with your strategy. Many local and state conservative governments like to have things but not pay for them, so they use DUIs as a grossly unjust money-generating source of revenue. Luckily I'm a upper-middle class white man so I was able to buy my way out of it.

It's people like you that ruin people's lives, not me.

Comment Re:Looks pretty impressive... (Score 1) 115

Point 2 however, I think you're letting your inner troll take over too much of your post.

Yeah, this is definitely true. What is pissing me off more than build times (which seems to have been settled greatly in the 1.0 release - now I don't notice the difference) is the slow speed of the editor itself. Repainting, auto-completions, tabbing through, etc. is slow, etc. There are a few missing features from Eclipse (although there are new features as well). I just hate the feeling of being forced to downgrade.

However, in all seriousness, I don't think Android Studio is a piece of shit - I think it was just too early to switch. But I realize I will get used to it in time.

Comment Re:Looks pretty impressive... (Score 1) 115

Are you fucking serious?

Yes. And duh, I did turn the AV off, numbnuts. As I mentioned, turning it off improved build times immensely, but I never had to turn off AV in Eclipse. There are two speed comparisons: 1. the Gradle build system, and 2. the speed of the IntelliJ IDE.

1. Gradle in Android Studio takes longer than the backend of Eclispe. In optimal conditions, it's as fast. But it's been worse in our project.
2. You can watch the IntelliJ IDE repaint itself when switching editors. It's pathetic. There are also the intermittent pauses which happen a LOT, a lot more than in Eclipse.

Comment Re:Looks pretty impressive... (Score 1) 115

The worse decision we ever made in my team was to switch to Android Studio. It's much slower, and the few items that are better are by far outweighed by the many items that are worse.

* Expands identifiers into the English text
* Condenses some verbosity in Java, such as inner classes with a single method (think OnClickListener)
* Shows colors on the left margin

However, there are so many worse things. It doesn't have all of the refactoring features available in Eclipse. But by far and away the worse thing is its speed. I saw build times of 10+ minutes, gone up from 15 seconds (granted, we believe this was the antivirus, but still, on a good day it was 1 minute 30 seconds). You type, and every 30 seconds or go it will just pause for a blip and make you wait one second. It takes about a second for the screen to completely redraw as you ctrl-tab to switch editors. It starts up slightly faster than Eclipse, but startup time is microscopic compared to the time you're not starting up your IDE.

The Gradle build system did not live up to its hype. It is absolutely no better; it's just different. You have to learn everything again, and it's hard to customize builds because of the sparse documentation. Ant was a piece of shit, but well documented and stable. They really could have changed the game with Gradle, and they simply didn't. The build flavors sound so good but they are surprisingly limited; you can't do anything with them except what Google planned on. For example, you can't make Amazon and Google builds because you can't change targets with flavors. You can, of course, write a custom script to do so, but then what the hell have you gained - we already had to write custom scripts!

Honestly I could go on and on, but switching to Android Studio has cost my team dozens of hours of wasted productivity losses.

I'm really looking forward to see improvements in Android Studio - because I'm going to have to deal Android Studio for many, many years.

it surpassed Eclipse a long time ago

No, it definitely hasn't. Even the Facebook SDK doesn't include instructions for Gradle/Android Studio (at least not a month or two ago when I looked)

Comment Re:He believes in God? (Score 1) 764

In fact, Jesus didn't redefine sin; he redefined the punishment for sin because he was to bear that punishment himself on behalf and in place of mankind.

He sort of did, in fact. It's the new covenant vs. the old. Most (not all) people hold that wearing polyester is no longer a sin, for example. Most use (Hebrews 8:13) as the proof. Then again, one is free to cherry pick the bible as one pleases.

Comment Re:No, no. Let's not go there. Please. (Score 1) 937

To belong to any atheist community

Well, there you go. Belonging to a community is different from being an atheist. I am an atheist and have never been in a "community", websites, etc. There's no dogma behind being an atheist. There's probably dogma in many communities of anything, including atheists.

Comment Re:Is the complexity of C++ a practical joke? (Score 1) 427

The difference between C++ and Java or Ruby is that you're more likely to discover you have a problem at compile time with C++.

Totally not trolling here - can you explain that? It seems to me that any statically-typed language is equally capable of finding problems at compile time.

Are you referring to the fact that it's possible to typedef integers in C++ and not in Java/Ruby? So using an int incorrectly in Java/Ruby wouldn't cause a compile error? That seems like a big stretch to me, that that's actually a quantifiable boon to C++.

Quietly shitting exceptions into a log file is actually better behavior than crashing (unless there's data corruption involved), and in fact, sounds like expected behavior.

Comment Re:Is the complexity of C++ a practical joke? (Score 1) 427

You are what is called a "C++ apologist". You are comparing C++ to nothing except itself and abstract complexity (and offhandedly VisualBasic), instead of actually coming to terms with the real problems of C++.

Let me offer you a few pieces of evidence of C++'s failures.
* C++ has a text preprocessor. A solution to engineering constraints of fucking 1970. No one has or will ever do that since 1975. Everything is and should be resolved symbolically.
* C++ is meant to be able to compile C code with no to minimal changes. This really makes
* D. Read which is a description of how another systems-level language dealt with perceived drawbacks of C++. I don't think D is perfect by any means, but there are many thoughtful improvements to C++.
* Read for a bunch of valid complaints about C++ (granted, many of those can be argued).

Comment Re:Never let the truth (Score 1) 391

I remember taking a test as a VERY young child (one of my earliest memories). I was getting all of the questions right and was getting bored. As a person who loves exploring, I wanted to know what would happen if you got one wrong, so I purposely chose the wrong answer twice (choose which shape this shape can fit in - star, circle, square, or something like that). I thought it was really obvious the answer, and I chose wrong, and then was very disappointed to learn that when you get one wrong, she just says "no that's not the right answer, this is", and moves on. Turns out I "failed" the test so I didn't get in the advanced classes for kindergartners.

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