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Comment Misleading wording. This is not autoplay. (Score 0) 131

What the article is referring to as "autoplay" is actually preloading. The video is not playing on its own, it's just being cached in case you want to click on it. This could certainly be a problem for people on limited data plans. It is not nearly the same kind of awfulness as genuine autoplay, where the video starts up without asking permission.

Comment The argument for libraries: who wants them? (Score 1) 116

>how about the U.K. where miserly pols are closing libraries even though the Guardian says "a third of UK children do not own a single book and three-quarters claim never to read outside school"?

So, the argument here is that at least 75% of the children never use libraries, so libraries should be kept open? Interesting but, I'm afraid you've lost me there.

I don't really see reading books on a phone. The text is too small. On a tablet, sure, that works, and I've been very happy to dump all my shelves and shelves of books for a simple single slab of electronics.

Comment robots and other intelligent machines (Score 1) 31

Do I have to be the one to note that we don't have any intelligent machines? None of them have any more of a mind than a toaster. I don't think there's an AI out there that can even approximate the intelligence of a cockroach.

This is just random nerd click-bait although, at least it's nominally "news for nerds" for a change.

Comment Doom by boredom (Score 5, Insightful) 170

It's the same thing that's taken down games like World of Warcraft. They kept making it easier and easier, hoping to gain more players. After a while, the game is just too simple and repetitive to interest anyone. The whole thing just collapses.

Yeah, WoW is technically still around, but the players have been dropping out so badly that they have to consolidate realms now, instead of bringing out new ones. Even so, it's alarmingly vacant.

Comment Re:Can we get a tape drive to back this up? (Score 1) 316

The advantage of tape has always been it's nigh-indestructibility.

Always? They might be better now but, I've seen massive amounts of data turned to useless piles of crud by tapes getting tangled in the drive. Given that they were generally used for critical backups and only pulled out of storage when you needed them, that was not a good failure mode. Given how slow they were, your previous backup was somewhat out-of-date, and you'd also be needing to replace the tape drive that had all of your precious data wrapped around inside it.

Comment Well behind the times. Grandmas rule. (Score 1) 276

I don't play WoW any more, World of Warcraft, but when I did, I was fully serious about it. I might spend 18 hours a day at it. I ran guilds myself and was a key member of others. And this apparently surprises people but, some of the core guildmembers were grandmothers. Grandmothers are people you really, really want in a guild. They're giving and forgiving and they can really kick ass. They've got more sense than the rest of your raid team combined and they're totally dedicated. Possibly until their grandchild picks a different server.

Is this supposed to be news?

Comment Re:Right to be forgotten? (Score 1) 193

Anything you have ever put online can reasonably be assumed to be permanent. If you had a blog once and deleted it, years ago, you can often still reactivate it with all of the previous content still totally intact. Aside from the companies themselves keeping all data of any sort forever, odd creatures like the Wayback Machine and RSS feeds eager to slurp down text will preserve your drunken 3am ramblings for posterity. Data space is very cheap, right now, and text in particular barely makes a tiny blip on the map.

Comment Re:Do the math (Score 3, Interesting) 338

There are manufacturers selling 2000-2200 W. vacuum cleaners.

I can't wait for those to be gone. Not because of the energy usage really, but because those monsters are incredibly loud.

I might point out that the power of the vacuum cleaner has no relationship to its noise level. The noise is considered a selling point, a feature, because people have this curious tendency to think, "oh yes, that's causing me permanent ear damage, so it must be doing a good job." People conflate noise with power.

Don't ask about the dust in the corner. I'm protecting my ears. I swear it.

Comment Funny thing about colors. Are mice gray? (Score 1) 267

You always see mice shown as gray in cartoons, it's their default state. I've had mice, and they're a deep brown loamy earth color... but my friends still thought they were gray. So, I don't know what that's all about but, there appears to be ranges of color perception that aren't really clocked as "color blindness", which may not be an entirely useful phrase for something that isn't exactly binary. Now, if you specify that you're "red-green colorblind" that gives me some practical information. I'd probably still be curious as to what color you thought a mouse was.

Comment Re:He didn't hack (Score 1) 134

he had been offered a plea bargain that carried only 6 months in a low security prison, but he turned it down.

I dont see how 6 months is out of line for the crimes that he admitted to committing.

Not crimes, civil charges that were entirely disputable. Considering that he was a fairly attractive young gay man, he might also have had significant qualms about the old and generally inaccurate meme of prison rape.

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