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Comment Re:From Jack Brennan's response (Score 1) 772

That's not even what I claimed. I claimed that they the CIA and NSA are bigger threats than anything they protect us from. They very rarely actually protect us, the CIA has nearly ended the world a few times, and the NSA records everything all the time with worse internal security than a Chuck E. Cheese. Terrorism is not a threat (and the incompetence of most terrorists is more effective at stopping terrorism than the NSA). There is not an existential military threat, just a great degree of political dick waving. Thus, the threat of our unchecked TLAs is greater than the threats that justify the existence of said agencies.

Comment Re:Everyone? (Score 2) 545

Because pretty much the only jobs that are exempt from overtime are medical professionals, managers, salesmen, and IT. Medical is likely to remain that way because of how hospitals work, managers pretty much have to have OT on big projects, and, salesmen often work in a manner that makes tracking actual hours of work impractical. IT is pretty much the only one that could change.

Comment Re:That Name (Score 1) 218

This isn't armchair engineering, this is just doing their fucking job. Police get distracted from doing their job because they deal with bullshit revenue generation tasks like seizing anything that could plausibly be tied to drugs and predatory traffic tickets with no ties to actual road safety. Violent crime has been going down for decades, so the actual job should be getting easier.

Comment Re:Actually what reduced crime (Score 1) 218

As Firethorn pointed out, we can track it in both the increases and the decreases with adoption, banning and differing usage patterns, and the effects of lead on the brain have been known and studied for millennia. It's also generally considered unethical to introduce a known toxin to an entire population just to see what it does, especially if the suspected effects are harmful.

Comment Re:Actually what reduced crime (Score 2) 218

I believe that it's been shown to have correlated with the areas that removed it with a certain amount of delay, making it most likely either have a causal relationship or that there was some factor that caused both to change on extremely similar, yet delayed time frames. Given that lead would be a reasonable causal factor here, and that IQ scores also increased, it seems likely that brain damage from leaded fuel is the culprit..

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