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Comment Re:In node.js too ? (Score 1) 136

I don't pretend that Nodejs is comparable to Tomcat or similar options. I just noted that restarting on an uncaught exception, while not included in the Nodejs environment, is technically nothing special in Javascript virtual machine compared to others language. I have do that with a manager application or script in many projects. I will probably try to use systemd to do that in the future.

Comment Re:In node.js too ? (Score 1) 136

I suppose that it's possible to find the same opinion for any language. Actually it seem that Node.js raise in popularity.

Personally, I use it with Qooxdoo, and I found it a more effective solution that PHP for example. Having the same language in the server side and in the client side make the whole thing more coherent and simpler to maintain. I now experiment it for it portability across platforms to control a testing device from a browser.

Comment Re:In node.js too ? (Score 1) 136

While I agree that node.js don't have a UI, it still have to balance the time passed to compile and the time passed to execute. AFAIK, node.js use a single thread loop for the execution and probably for the compilation too. I think that dispatching the compilation to a second thread could reduce the latency of the execution thread.

Comment I hope that many others projects will do the same (Score 1) 279

Good move.

While forking is a necessary fact to develop a new idea (even into the original community), merging (at lead idea) is even more necessary long term consequence to avoid fragmentation. The most dangerous thing for open source communities is to start to see others projects and communities as futile and without interesting for learning something.

Desktop related projects should really start to go into that direction now.

Comment Lost in the comments ocean (Score 1) 2219

An this one is a perfect example: Can anyone get a clear picture of a >1500 comments story ? Probably not, or at least for the vast majority.
The actual system is limited by the fact that is very hard to attach a personal contribution into the flow of comments. So, similar idea are expressed many times with little difference. I am not saying that the little difference should go away, but there can be attached the the common idea.
The simplest way I can imagine to start implementing something is that direction, is to let move the comments into a graph, instead of a hierarchical historical flow. Typically a comment tend to develop the parent idea in either "it's true" or "it's false" relation: the graph should show that. There is certainly a lot of useful relations to the parent to add in practice. Sometime the relation is related only a a part of the parent comment.

Comment Re:Quite possibly indeed! But still... FUCK BETA! (Score 2) 573

Fully agree. Every single time there asked my view of the beta I tell them that is a hug vast of time for them and a hug vast of screen space for me. Uniform white pixels yield no information to me and force to scroll a lot more than with the classic interface. There wast the horizontal space by cutting them. There vast the vertical space with a top menu and insane high interline and bigger fonts. Finally there lost the "personality" of the Slashdot look by replacing it by a fade look that is like a newbie site.

There would be a lot or more creative ways to improve Slashdot, like finding a way to sort and assemble a graph of the expressed view across all comments of a story. This is hard, yes. But something like this can be a way to compile the comments of a story into something that look like a draft of a article on the story, making the whole thing simpler to read and to contribute. Uhmm... Ok, I will stop dreaming and weak up.

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