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Submission + - Bad bosses take the elevator...

mritunjai writes: A new study validates what we've always suspected to be true. Promotions and career growth seem to be directly proportional to how much you can make your subordinates' life miserable.
Linux Business

Submission + - The "Art Of Community" (Video)

An anonymous reader writes: A video of the "Art Of Community Panel" at this year's OSCON has just ht the web. If you aren't familiar with what happened, Danese Cooper and Dawn Foster put together the "Art Of Community" and included some of the world's leading community authorities. The panel included (from left to right in the video): Danese Cooper (OSI), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia), Dawn Foster (Jive Software), Sulamita Garcia (LinuxChix), whurley (BMC Software), Karl Fogel (O'Reilly), and Brian Behlendorf (Apache Founder). This ended up being one of the more popular panels at the conference and is well worth a watch.

Submission + - Why Not Nuclear Power? Politics! (theoildrum.com) 1

Gooseygoose writes: "
A couple of days ago I was reading the CNN/YouTube Democratic presidential debate transcript. Of course I am always interested to hear what the candidates have to say about energy. There were a lot of good comments, and the usual spattering of dumb comments. But I won't dissect them right now. What got me to thinking were the comments of John Edwards...

The Almighty Buck

Lenovo Aims $199 PC At China's Rural Population 111

athloi writes "Lenovo has announced they are gearing up to sell a basic personal computer for 'China's vast but poor rural market'. The pricetag could be as low as $199. 'The new Lenovo unit will include a processor and a keyboard and will use a buyer's television set as a monitor, Chen said. He said he had no details on the processor size or other features. The new PC goes on sale later this year at prices of 1,499 to 2,999 yuan ($199-$399), Chen said. Lenovo is the world's third-largest PC manufacturer, behind U.S.-based Hewlett Packard Inc. and No. 2 Dell.'"

Submission + - Amazon Selects Freshbooks to Demo FPS Beta (freshbooks.com)

Tech Set writes: "Amazon Flexible Payments Service is official (in Private Beta as of 3 a.m. PST) and FreshBooks was selected in advance to showcase the system — they integrated FPS and already have it up and running as of today.

FPS is Amazon's answer to Paypal and Google Checkout. It is currently enrolling developers during the Beta.

FreshBooks customers can now be paid quickly and easily by their clients through their clients' existing Amazon.com accounts. Because people only have to set up a payment method once with Amazon, payments become hassle-free.

By using Amazon FPS, FreshBooks is enabling Amazon customers to seamlessly transact with FreshBooks clients using the same accounts and payment instruments that they use for purchases on Amazon.com. Using the money transmitter functionality within Amazon FPS, FreshBooks will move money between invoice senders and recipients using their Amazon Payments accounts.

FreshBooks is the first, largest, and fastest growing online invoicing service for freelancers and professional service companies.

Amazon FPS is currently in limited beta. Developers can sign up to use the service directly through Amazon Web Services at http://aws.amazon.com/fps.

Here's Amazon's post:

http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2007/08/pay-me-now-or -p.html"

The Media

Submission + - Guardian on the Open Source schism ..

rs232 writes: ""The schism in the free/open source world has become more interesting with Stallman's release of version three of the GPL. This contains new features to prevent what's called "Tivoisation", after TiVo's use of GPL software (Linux) in a non-free system. It also aims to stop the patent licensing scheme Microsoft is using to do deals with Linux distributors such as Novell .. Either way, if GPL v3 exacerbates the split in the free/open source world, it's a good time for Microsoft to get cosy with the OSI side while trying to avoid Stallman's FSF side'

http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2007/aug/02/g uardianweeklytechnologysection.it2"
Red Hat Software

Submission + - Red Hat to Enter the Desktop Market

head_dunce writes: "It looks like Red Hat is going to release their Global Desktop Linux in September and give Ubuntu a challenge for the Linux desktop market. I'm a little confused by the article though, it claims Red Hat Global Desktop "would be sold with a one-year subscription to security updates." Shouldn't the security updates be open, and the customer support be subscription based?"

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