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Comment Re:How much did they save? (Score 3, Insightful) 383

I hate to be a cynic but if you take the cost savings on cutting safety corners across all their operations (rigs, refineries, etc) for the time the company has been operating them, I bet they still came out on top and BP wouldn't change a damn thing about how they operate short of some regulatory body (lol MMS) forcing them to.

Submission + - Deepwater Horizon had BSOD issues (

Ecks writes: The testimony has started in the Deepwater Horizon case and in addition to other problems it looks like they had major BSOD issues with their computer system. The whole thing article is an interesting read. It's on the NY Times site so registration is required.

"Problems existed from the beginning of drilling the well, Mr. Williams said. For months, the computer system had been locking up, producing what the crew deemed the “blue screen of death.”

“It would just turn blue,” he said. “You’d have no data coming through.”

Submission + - Embedding A/V Commentary into Geotagged Bike Tour (

charliesfreehweels writes: This weekend marks what should have been my friend Charlie's 26th birthday. Sadly, he was killed three years ago when a car veered off the road and abruptly ended his cross-continent Bike Tour. During his journey, he geo-tagged and blogged each stop along the way. In his memory, teens from a charity (which runs free after-school earn-a-bike mentorship programs — see video) started in his honour are going to be conducting their own bike tour of a historic part of town where both they and Charlie grew up. Just like Charlie geo-tagged his adventure, we'd like to be able to enable people who miss our original tour the opportunity to recreate the experience using nothing but a bike and a smartphone (and a helmet!).

I've tried to reach out to the FourSquare team but have not received any response. We're desperately looking for eloquent ways to create a geotagged path that cyclists can easily follow while also experiencing the original audio and/or video commentary containing the teen residents' unique perspective on living in Regent Park.

I'm comfortable with basic coding, mobile site design and implementing OSS and am looking for alternative software that can cost-effectively capture the tour stops (with commentary) and allow user-friendly access in the future.

Submission + - Trolling Comes to Newspapers (

dptalia writes: First there were patent trolls. Then Copyright Group started copyright trolling. Now a new start up company is trolling for unlicensed news stories posted to blogs and websites. The company has already filed 80 lawsuits and are threatening sites with $150,000/offense penalties if they don't settle.

Submission + - The Scalability of Linus 1

Hugh Pickens writes: "Katherine Noyes writes at LinuxInsider that it may be time for Linus Torvalds to share more of the responsibility for Linux that he's been shouldering. "If Linux wants to keep up with the competition there is much work to do, more than even a man of Linus's skill to accomplish," argues one user and the "scalability of Linus," is the subject of a post by Jonathan Corbet wondering if there might there be a Linus scalability crunch point coming. "The Linux kernel development process stands out in a number of ways; one of those is the fact that there is exactly one person who can commit code to the 'official' repository," Corbet writes. A problem with that scenario is the potential for repeats of what Corbet calls "the famous 'Linus burnout' episode of 1998" when everything stopped for a while until Linus rested a bit, came back, and started merging patches again. "If Linus is to retain his central position in Linux kernel development, the community as a whole needs to ensure that the process scales and does not overwhelm him," Corbet adds. But many don't agree. "Don't be fooled that Linus has to scale — he has to work hard, but he is the team captain and doorman. He has thousands doing most of the work for him. He just has to open the door at the appropriate moment," writes Robert Pogson adding that Linus "has had lots of practice and still has fire in his belly.""

Submission + - Critical Safari AutoFill Flaw Steals Data (

Trailrunner7 writes: A prominent security researcher is urging users of Apple’s Safari browser to immediately turn off the AutoFill feature to block hackers from stealing sensitive information. According to Jeremiah Grossman, founder and Chief Technology Officer of WhiteHat Security, the AutoFill Web Forms feature can be hacked to steal data from the computer’s address book.

“Right at the moment a Safari user visits a website, even if they’ve never been there before or entered any personal information, a malicious website can uncover their first name, last name, work place, city, state, and email address,” Grossman said.

Comment Re:Interesting Spin in the Summary (Score 2, Informative) 416

If you RTFA:

"According to the patent application, users could also choose to access the advertisements when they choose, delaying an ad by 10 minutes, or choosing to watch one immediately. This would help to ensure that the ad is not overly intrusive, appearing while the user was in the middle of an important task."

You're right they aren't "randomly bombarding users with ads" they are "regularly bombarding users with ads".

Comment Re:Not statistically significant! (Score 1) 242

While I agree that a single test wouldn't account for any variance and thus isn't very accurate as one system may have just "gotten lucky" that day, Google Navigation along with many other high-end sat navs pull traffic data to avoid congestion due to local traffic, car accidents, or adorable families of ducks. This is why each system probably recommended different routes instead of the geographically shortest route which you'd except to be fairly consistent.

Submission + - iPhone Tethering Hidden Inside Flashlight App (

strestout writes: Handy Light may seem like just any other flashlight application for the iPhone, so spending the $0.99 to download it seem pointless, but the app hides a secret. It’s actually an application which lets you tether your iPhone’s 3G connection to your computer in order to get free internet access on AT&T’s network!

Submission + - Cow Clicker: The Essence of Facebook Games (

mjn writes: "Game designer and academic Ian Bogost announces Cow Clicker, a Facebook game implementing the mechanics of the Facebook-games genre stripped to their core. You get a cow, which you can click on every six hours. You earn additional clicks if your friends in your pasture also click. You can buy premium cows with 'mooney', and also use your mooney to buy more clicks. You can buy mooney with real dollars, or earn some free bonus mooney if you spam up your feed with Cow Clicker activity. A satire of Facebook games, but actually as genuine a game as the non-satirical games are. And people actually play it, perhaps confirming Bogost's view that the genre of games is largely just "brain hacks that exploit human psychology in order to make money", which continue to work even when the users are openly told what's going on."

Submission + - New Token Attack Owns All Windows Versions (

Trailrunner7 writes: Microsoft's problems with Token Kidnapping [.pdf] on the Windows platform aren't going away anytime soon. More than a year after Microsoft issued a patch to cover privilege escalation issues that could lead to complete system takeover, a security researcher plans to use the Black Hat conference spotlight to expose new design mistakes and security issues that can be exploited to elevate privileges on all Windows versions including the brand new Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.
Researcher Cesar Cerrudo said the vulnerabilities can be exploited to bypass new Windows services protection to help in post-exploitation scenarios too where an attacker is able to run code after exploiting a vulnerability in a Windows service but he is not able to compromise the whole system due to these protections. One of the issues Cerrudo plans to present at Black Hat even allows him to bypass one of the Microsoft's fixes for previous Token Kidnapping vulnerabilities on Windows 2003.


Submission + - Optimus Prime made of junk cars in China (

rmaureira writes: An awesome 33 feet, 6 ton Optimus Prime replica is being shown at Beijing's Olympic Park. Made from junked car parts and scrap metal parts it surely looks awesome.

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