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Comment Re:Security? (Score 1) 210

That's because they're NOT pirates, except in the most strict of senses (Meaning in the verb sense of the word "To attack and rob (a ship at sea)").

These people are KIDNAPPERS. They hold the CREW hostage until they're paid off.. In most cases, they have absolutely no use for the cargo, as you mentioned above. People that hold other people captive until they're paid off are NOT pirates, they're kidnappers, plain and simple.

Stop calling these people "Pirates" (Yaar!) and start calling them "Kidnappers", and their whole air of being rogues slips away fairly rapidly.

Comment What about resale? (Score 1) 858

It has always been a mantra of people that think about these things that a given PC laptop will be worth at least [the initial price delta] LESS in 2 years than a comparably (as much as possible) configured Mac.


$600 (when new) PC laptop is worth maybe $200 after 2 years. $1000 (when new) MacBook is worth at lest $600 after that same 2 years.

If you believe that (And I do, personally.. based on Ebay prices of used laptops), then the whole thing is a wash.

Comment What about on-demand stuff? (Score 2, Interesting) 485

The really neat question will be, IMO, things like the on-demand/live streaming service from places like Netflix and Comcast. I believe that they have physical infrastructure in NY, so that would mean they are impacted.

The movies and TV shows that they stream DO have a value, even if that value is calculated as a fraction of the monthly subscription one pays. How much of that monthly subscription should be the basis for the tax that NY wants to collect?

TFA is silent on this point, but I'm curious how they'd be able to implement something like that via legislation..

Comment Re:And Still Ugly As Sin. (Score 1) 451

You know, that's exactly the thing.

I don't buy books. Yes, I'm that bastard that gets his books from the public library.. Where I live (Chester County, PA), we have an excellent library system, with the ability to request books (even from outside of the Chester County system, via an Inter-Library loan system in PA)and do renewals and other such things via the web.

They do have a service where I can download (a very few) DRM'd ebooks for a defined period of time (usually 2 weeks), at which point the "books" check themselves back in.. BUT, the vast majority of the books in the system are not digital, and probably never will be.

Before I'd consider spending $300+ on a Kindle, Amazon and the book publishers (and not incidentally, the library itself) will have to come up w/ a system where I can check out a copy of a book on the Kindle with the same ease and selection as I have with physical books. The "download the NYT every morning" thing DOES have it points, but that just isn't worth $300 to me.

Comment Re:But it's UTAH.. (Score 1) 235

True enough, but I'd have to imagine that most things that could be classified as "Culture War Hot Buttons" have their origins in either very "Red" or very "Blue" states (Think Utah or Vermont). My point in the OP was to say that the population of UT is relatively small and not really all that representative of the rest of the nation's politics.

If it wasn't videogames that were "making" kids do bad things (and training them for a future in the Army, as far as JT believes), it would be TV or movies or music or whatever else the people that worry about this sort of thing would blame. "Violent Games" are just the latest (and easiest) scapegoat.

Also, Lieberman is not (in any meaningful way) a Democrat any longer. Bernie Sanders, (the other "Independent") is "Independent" in the sense that he isn't formally a member of the Democratic party.. Joe, OTOH, is more of a Republican every day.

Comment But it's UTAH.. (Score 3, Funny) 235

Who cares?

No offense to the nice nice people in Utah, but one state law, in a very small (population-wise) state, and will have little or no impact on the VG industry. Even IF this bill passes, there is certain to be an immediate EFF or ACLU lawsuit to overturn it.

Utah is the reddest of the "Red States", and I have to imagine that most good Mormon kids aren't playing GTA4 anyway.

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