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Comment Re:Blow through your cap (Score 1) 182

Simple. Just compress the heck out of it. As long as the resolution is still 3840x2160, it doesn't matter what the compression artifacts are -- the service can still advertise 4K QHD.

Actually, that brings up an interesting question -- for video, for a given bit stream size, are you better off with higher resolution and higher compression, or lower resolution and lower compression?

Comment Re:If it really knew where it was... (Score 1) 496

There are also batteries (as mentioned in the parent comment in some pacemakers) that generate electricity off the decay of radioactive isotopes. Essentially they work similar to how a solar cell makes electricity from light. Only problem is they put out a very low amount of power. Upside is they do that for an extremely long time. So they are useful in applications that only require low power, but where you can't replace a battery very easily (and most batteries would go dead after a few years just from sitting there).

Comment Re:you do realize the difficulty increases? (Score 2) 140

Simply because Bitcoin was the first to get major market mind share. It is like the million dollar home page -- this was someones home page which had a 1000 x 1000 grid of pixels, and he was selling them for $1 each (effectively selling advertising space on his home page). But since it had gained a lot of exposure it was worth the $1 per pixel, whereas no one else could pull the same trick a second time (since they would have the mind share).

Comment Re:Gravitational tides will kill you (Score 1) 412

And, on top of that, in the astronaut's time reference, the rest of the universe's time will accelerate exponentially the closer he gets to the event horizon. By the time he actually reaches / crosses it, the black hole would have evaporated due to Hawking radiation, and the rest of the universe would be zillions of years into the future. The entire trip would however only take a few minutes for the astronaut though.

Comment Re:Which prying eyes? (Score 1) 285

Partition a 64GB card with a 2GB partition on it, with a FAT32 filesystem and maybe a bunch of street maps. Put a label on the card that says 2GB. Record encrypted data to raw unpartitioned disk space past 2GB. Bonus points for hacking the firmware on the SD card so that it normally shows up as a 2GB card unless a special code is sent to it.

Comment Re:Even if this was true... (Score 5, Interesting) 1009

The only problem is that when I buy a motherboard / CPU, there are usually a dozen or so variations on which CPU will work in a given motherboard. Right now it makes sense to mix & match to get exactly what you want, but if the CPU is attached to the motherboard at purchase time, you are stuck with one of the 2 - 3 choices that the motherboard manufacturer decides to sell.

Comment Re:don't you have ovens? (Score 3, Informative) 164

Deep frying a whole turkey makes it come out extremely juicy -- it doesn't have that "fried" flavor or taste. Cooking in the oven gets you a bit dryer turkey. What happens is the hot oil sears the skin, trapping the juices inside. Usually you inject them with a butter based solution, seasoned with various spices, and that gets embedded into the turkey meat. Oh, and when you inject the bird, first figure out which way you are going to position it in the pot, and make sure the injection holes are at the top (try to reuse the same injection site, and with different angles / depths), so that the juice doesn't run out into the oil when cooking.

And yes, the first time I had seen this done was in Arkansas. But like I said above, it doesn't come out greasy or anything like that.

Comment Re:apple just doesn't want to touch that (Score 5, Interesting) 234

When you write for iOS, you aren't working for yourself. You are instead working as a contractor for Apple. You are given the job of coming up with product ideas, implementing and marketing them. And you get paid a hefty commission on the sales. But as an Apple contractor, they are free to reject any idea or implementation thereof -- it has to be in line with what they would want to develop themselves.

If you think of it this way, it makes things so much easier.

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