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Comment Re:So, ignorant people are easily influenced (Score 1) 133

In a discussion completely unrelated to climate science, suggesting out of the blue that "we can just fire all the climate scientists right now" sounds like a personal vendetta.

Climate science was a rather obvious example of the principle being discussed. It was just an example of something about which one might improperly assume a bias which might not exist. Nobody singled it out as either good or evil.

Until you stepped up and jumped into it with both feet. WTF is wrong with you? Do you realize just how much that made you look like a complete moron?

Comment Re:Bill Hadley is going to be disappointed (Score 1) 233

How could MY comments be a personal vendetta when that only exists in your own mind?

How could MY comments be a personal vendetta when they're only replies to your own insults?

Think about that.

Believe me: many people have reviewed our exchanges. You're the one not doing well. I'm stating that politely.

Comment Re:So, ignorant people are easily influenced (Score 1) 133

Also, this anti-trust bullshit is bullshit. Call Google whatever you want in the media and.... let consumers decide. They know Yahoo and Bing exist. They know others exist as well.

If you consider source of funding to be an automatic bias and cause for disqualification, then we can just fire all the climate scientists right now.

Sound good?

Comment Re:It depends (Score 1) 126

"browser standards compliance is so much better"

Not even. Closest one to any sort of compliance is Chrome, which is a multi-process steaming hunk of garbage. It can do HTML5 and WebGL properly.

FireFox? Trying to log into my in-development game using the web interface, (again, pure HTML5 and WebGL) it fucking horks. What's sad is that IE8 works better for my web game than the latest version of FireFox.

Opera? Give me a fucking break.

Comment Some Developers.... (Score 1) 126

"some developers distrust its use in larger projects because (some say) it ultimately leads to breakage-prone code that's harder to maintain."

Most likely because they write shit bloated code in the first place.

Meanwhile, jQuery + SQLite + MariaDB connector, I've got my own personal intelligent porn recommendation/scraper/indexer site that runs through a few million images and renders my requested search results in under a tenth of a second.

So odds are, it's those developers talking about breakage-prone code that are the crap devs, anyways.

Comment If you can't keep your eyes on the ROAD (Score 1) 195

You do not need to be driving. You do not need HUDs to tell you that the red sign up ahead is a stop sign. Nor do you need some accident early-warning system - if you WATCHED THE FUCKING ROAD you'd likely see the accident scene before getting to it (some locations/obstructions of scenery may give varying results.)

And wait for your night vision to get completely turned to ass when they start introducing these HUDs in different colors as a fashion statement. Anything other than red - you're much more likely to crash at night because your night vision is being fucked with.


Keep that shit in the military where it belongs.

Comment Re:Excellent Now Translate (Score 0) 78

"On a very closely related thought this same sort of idea can be used to translate software so that what ran on older legacy platforms or incompatible platforms can automatically be able to run on newer hardware"

Transpilers have existed for ages.

" We need this in a big way."

There's a reason transpilers aren't in use today despite existing - I'll leave that up to you and some deeper critical thinking than what you currently display.

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God help those who do not help themselves. -- Wilson Mizner
