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Submission + - Monday's Keep Us Up At Night

randomErr writes: Tune Hotels Group completed a study that we're like Wowbagger from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in that we can't deal well with Sunday afternoons and nights. People in general have a sleep deficit because of the anxieties about starting the working week. Jason Ellis, Professor of Sleep Science at Northumbria University is quotes as saying "Sunday-somnia" is something I see a lot and it's important that people deal with the issues surrounding their sleep deprivation so that it doesn't have a knock on effect on sleep later in the week.'

Submission + - New Tire Can Recharge Your Battery

randomErr writes: Goodyear Tire showed off its new BH03 tire that can partially recharge your electric car while driving. At the 2015 Geneva International Motor Show a new concept tire was displayed that uses heat generated while driving and converts the thermal energy to electrical power. The triple inner tube design changes pressure to maximize electrical output while adjusting to the road conditions.

Submission + - Make those Brown Eyes Blue 2

randomErr writes: A new procedure has been developed that can turn any brown eye to blue. The procedure uses a laser that disturbs the melanin in the pigmented part of the eye. Over the course of a few weeks your body would eliminate the disturbed pigment revealing the blue layer below all people have. The procedure costs about $5,000 and only takes a few second to complete. You can't get it yet in the U.S. because it still going through clinical trials and some ophthalmologists fear that process could increase pressure in the eyes.

Comment Re:Lift the gag order first... (Score 1) 550

Net Neutrality say if X service (lets say Netflix) is killing your entire network's performance you have to live with it. You can't partition Netflix into it's own walled garden. For big companies that have millions in the bank they can buy new pipes left and right. But the mom and pop shops have to take months to buy more bandwidth. During that time they're losing customers to the big guys and possible going out of business.

They Law of Unintended Consequences from Net Neutrality is that you just turned the Big 3 ISP's into the internet equivalent of Walmart.

Submission + - Microsoft Closing 2 China Phone Factories

randomErr writes: Microsoft closing two factories in China by the end of March. About 9,000 jobs will be lost to as part of it's purchase of Nokia Corp's handset business. Much of the equipment located in Beijing and the southeastern city of Dongguan factories are being shipped to Vietnam. With the purchase from Nokia last April there will be about 18,000 layoffs throughout Microsoft.

Submission + - Australian researchers create world's first 3D-printed aircraft engines

stephendavion writes: Researchers from the Monash University, CSIRO and Deakin University in Australia have created two 3D-printed aircraft engines. One of the 3D-printed engines is being showcased at the ongoing International Air Show in Avalon, while the other is at Microturbo (Safran) in Toulouse, France. Monash and its subsidiary Amaero Engineering attracted interests from tier one aerospace companies to produce components at the Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing (MCAM) in Melbourne. Researchers used an old gas turbine engine from Microturbo to scan components and print two versions. The engine is an auxiliary power unit equipped in aircraft such as the Falcon 20 business jet.

Comment Re:Obligatory Onion link (Score 2) 314

In the 80's they were:
- Riding the last of the CB revolution
- Riding the last of the Space Patrol brand
- Pushing out tons of TRS computers (CoCo 3 anyone?)
- Select over-priced products based on their reputations (VCR's, TV's, and weird NES co-processor add-on that did '10 bit games)
- Started selling Motorola phones

Comment Re:We've been doing it for a long time (Score 1) 367

Two Words: Biosphere 2 Not the horrible movie Bio-Dome.I mean the Texas experiment in 1991. It was meant to be a fully self sustaining isolated environment. Everything started dying off quickly that led to the premature closure of the experiment. Until I can see something successfully ran like this I will not even consider the re-engineering experiment that are proposed.

Comment Not sure how well it will work (Score 2) 106

ChromeCast isn't exactly setting the world on fire. I have one. But the apps for it are same as what I can get on XBox and tablet. I really only use it when I want watch stupid cat videos on our TV because her tablet is better then XBox's YouTube interface.

The only saving grace for this unit is the open nature that ChromeCast really doesn't have yet.

Comment It didn't because... (Score 1) 183

Most of the terrorist group fall into one of these categories:
  • Mega Groups - They already knew most of this information. They've built an underground network for communication that goes outside of what the most people are monitoring. They're also working with/buying off various governments for their intel.
  • Regular Groups - More then 50 people but not as complex. They know they're being watched and want to be martyrs for the cause. These are the cannon fodder of the mega groups. They do what the big boys tell them in hopes becoming something bigger or better
  • Small Groups - 50 or less people. These are the ones that can talk face to face and don't need the networks. These are the most dangerous because you never know what will set them off and usually think the other groups aren't radical enough.

Comment Re:The idea of variant (var) (Score 2) 729

I realize that but its seems a waste. My point was that you should already know your data types. I like the readability of strongly typed code. You also make you compiler and debugger work extra. On small stuff no big deal. But on large projects those extra compiling seconds can become minutes easily. Also I've had a few cases where when I've done compares on C# compiled code the strongly typed program usually came out smaller.

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