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Comment You don't want that (Score 2) 144

The Russians were fooled once with Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Unbridled capitalism does not work. Putin is a dictator, but he is a dictator who wants Russia to remain strong and to make oligarchs subservient to the interests of the state.

1. After the USSR has fallen apart, there was a period called primitive accumulation of capital ( It was very violent and unstable, but capitalism had not yet formed. It was pre-capitalism.

2. When Putin came to power, capitalism was buried before it was born, the country spiralled into dictatorship. What it meant is that capital got redistributed again between Putins' friends and relatives. The only concern of so called government now is to ensure the capital stays in their hands, no matter the cost.

Comment Re:Suck it and see, it's not for everyone (Score 2) 318

I currently work like this, being less experienced programmer. You know what, it was much better when I worked in pair with same level programmer. When both programmers are equally experienced (or inexperienced), the relationship is very friendly and motivating, as both persons are learning and helping each other.

When one of them is more experienced than the other, it immediatly turns into boss-subordinate relationship, which is not good. It turns out that not only you are at disadvantage and supposed to catch up on your own, you are constantly scolded for your work, while offering zero help for your mentor and irritating him with "naive" questions.

TLDR: bad idea.

Comment US continues to be much better at propaganda (Score 1) 164

U.S.S.R. is long dead, while U.S.A. continues to do what it did throughout the Cold War. Protecting economic and military interests of American elites all over the world with poker face on, even at the cost of great suffering of local population. I am no fan of Soviet Empire or current mafia government of Russia, but hey, let's be honest.

Comment Re:Soviet tradtions (Score 1) 164

The Protocols is a fabricated document purporting to be factual. It was originally produced in Russia between 1897 and 1903, possibly by Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky, head of the Paris office of the Russian Secret Police, and unknown others.[2][3]

...a-a-a-and this "book" was highly admired by Henry Ford, the American Icon and Nazi supporter. What a funny world we live in, don't we?

Comment Re:just like the US (Score 1) 164

A Russian who wants to stay a Russian national (or to belong to another non-English speaking country) is portrayed as a villain -- every single time I have viewed.

What continues to amaze me, is that American movie directors hire REAL Russian actors so rarely. It doesn't matter if the character is a villain or not, if he can't even speak his "native" language properly.

Your post made me wonder if they do it on purpose, so that even Russian language would wound stupid, ugly and gibberish.

Comment STL... meh (Score 1, Interesting) 406

STL is ugly. Even the Qt framework provides a much cleaner and consistent alternative, than this "standard" library.

STL is also not good for any performance bound programs, not good at all. You can easily write code that looks nice, but silently kills your performance.

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