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Submission + - Firefly to be reborn as an MMORPG

FangVT writes: "Wired is reporting:

Multiverse, maker of a free MMO-creation platform, plans to announce Friday morning that it's struck a deal with Fox Licensing to turn the show into an MMORPG in the fashion of Star Wars Galaxies or Eve Online.

Multiverse is not a game developer, but rather a platform provider whose product is still in beta. Instead of making the game itself, the company will hire a development team that will craft the virtual galaxy using Multiverse tools.

"Television series can be really good properties to turn into MMOs, because when you make a TV series, not only do you need great characters, but you need to create a full, rich, compelling place," says Multiverse co-founder and executive producer Corey Bridges. The universe of Firefly and its spinoff film, Serenity, featured everything from Old West-style towns to futuristic urban environments, gritty spaceships and pastoral retreats — freedom fighters, oppressive government agents, smugglers, outlaws, mercenaries, trader, townsfolk, futuristic geishas and a race of corrupted humans known as the Reavers. Bringing those environments and character types to life as an online game will be a challenge."

Submission + - Vista's "Next Gen" TCP/IP Stack and the En writes: "Microsoft's new Vista TCP/IP stack might be beneficial to businesses looking to increase use of their IT infrastructure... if they did it right. Ted Romer at Network Performance Daily writes: "Changes to the network are a certainty, as traffic patterns change. More aggressive utilization of the links means there will certainly be changes in the way traffic flows on the network; hopefully Microsoft has fully factored in delay, otherwise this could cause traffic congestion.""

Submission + - James Kim... From TechTV, DLTV has died.

An anonymous reader writes: From "We're deeply saddened to report that the body of James Kim was found Wednesday after an exhausting search through remote sections of Josephine County, Oregon. James was missing for 11 days. His wife and daughters were rescued on Monday afternoon." and KTVU Channel 2 News... "MERLIN, Ore. — James Kim, the heroic father who died in the mountains of Southern Oregon after leaving his family to seek help succumbed to hypothermia and exposure, authorities said after his autopsy report was made public Thursday... Kim, 35, a senior editor, joined CNET Networks Inc. about three years ago and wrote reviews about digital music and audio devices for the technology-themed Web site and a CNET blog about electronics. He also appeared on the company's video segments and on television." We will miss you James...

Submission + - ProPalms TSE Anyone?

burt-not-ernie writes: Our company is beginning to rely heavily on Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services. We started with just a few outside salespeople and then added the folks in our remote offices. Everyone is loving it. And now? Now we want to add an additional server, publish applications, and do load balancing. It's time to find a third-party product to enhance Terminal Services. I just about fell over when I was given a vendor's quote to install Citrix. I used Citrix at my previous place of employment, but we had been using it since the days of OS/2, so the upgrade costs were not so bad. Purchasing Citrix is just too expensive for us. I have seen a demo of ProPalms TSE and like what I see. The pricing is also very attractive. Has anyone out there had any experience — good or bad — with ProPalms TSE, especially the latest version, 5.0?

Submission + - Vamos to Redmond: sign of a revolution

pospisil writes: "Microsoft is moving its Australian head to Microsoft's Redmond HQ. Taken as a news item in isolation it has no great significance internationally. But it is a sign of the massive changes in thinking that are happening at Microsoft", according to this report. The article says that the problem is "that nothing new is coming out of Microsoft. The schloss Redmond mentality sees to that. Where was Microsoft when MySpace, YouTube, iPod, Google, Palm which became Treo, Blackberry and on and on were happening? Nowhere. Not interested."

Feed Firefly Reborn as Online Universe (

The canceled sci-fi series enjoys a fan base as dedicated as the show's run was short. Now Firefly fanatics will be able to live in a massively multiplayer online universe carved from Joss Whedon's vision. A Wired News exclusive by Mark Wallace.

The Media

Submission + - More online media jailed

OSDNBoss writes: "According to the US Watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists a total of 134 journalists were in jail on December 1, 49 of which were Internet journalists. China leads the way with the highest number in jail. I'm sure the censors have already blocked slashdot and other news and opinion sites in the countries mentioned. It begs the question, however, as the blogosphere grows are online journalists and editors more or less protected than their print and TV counterparts?"

Submission + - EVD format to replace DVD by 2008 in China

spoco2 writes: "The Age is reporting that China has relaunched its failed 2003 DVD competitor technology EVD (Enhanced Versatile Disc) with a view to completely phase out DVD hardware manufacturing in China by 2008. From the article, "Promoters of EVD say it provides crisper pictures and sound, bigger recording capacity and better anti-piracy features than standard DVD."

This is part of "state-backed efforts to create standards for mobile phones and other products and reduce dependence on foreign know-how and possibly reap licensing fees if they are adopted abroad.""
The Internet

Submission + - James Kim found dead

computerdan000 writes: "James Kim, missing for almost 11 days, was found dead yesterday. An article from CNN says that he "Died from exposure and hypothermia." C|NET has put together a tribute video for Kim, along with an article dedicated to him.
The body of the 35-year-old Kim was discovered Wednesday in a rugged wilderness area in southern Oregon. He had set out across snow and ice with only tennis shoes to protect his feet. He had eaten little in the seven days since his car got stuck.

Sun Exec Backs GPLv3 94

Hyperbeth writes "Sun's chief open-source officer Simon Phipps said that existing work towards GPLv3 had been 'extraordinary and effective' and he said he is 'frankly amazed by the criticisms'. The article notes that Mr. Phipps' comments are somewhat surprising, given that the recent open-sourcing of Java went forward with GPLv2." From the article: "I am frankly amazed by the criticisms that have [been] levelled at the GPLv3 process. They seem to ignore the incredible and positive way it is evolving and just find fault with things that are already the subject of work... I would be very surprised if the final GPLv3 was not an effective tool for some of the communities Sun sustains or will initiate in the future."
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - A Virtual World Dispute Resolution Policy

Dotnaught writes: "An InformationWeek article looking at the collision between virtual worlds and real laws suggests that Second Life's move to monetize virtual goods may force regulation of online games. An attorney involved in suing Second Life creator Linden Labs sees that company's ambitions as an Internet commerce portal as inviting problems and advocates the creation of a Virtual World Dispute Resolution Policy similar to the UDRP that governs domain names."

Submission + - Google helping DoD track certain searchers

jcaruso writes: "Blogger Mark Gibbs says he was searching on Google for "binary explosives," and Firefox popped up a warning that a Web site certificate involved in the transaction couldn't be verified — the certificate was issued to the Department of Defense. Writes Gibbs: "So, it looks like the Department of Defense with Google's help is tracking me because I used a suspicious search term. It also looks like either the DoD aren't really good at stealth or they want me to know that they are watching. Definitely lame either way.""

German Minister Seeks Jail Time For FPS Players 383

GamePolitics has the somewhat unbelievable news that German Minister of the Interior Gunther Beckstein is seeking jail time for violent game developers, publishers, and players. MSNBC has further coverage of the issue, which has pro gamers in Germany quite worried. From the article: "The draft law, a reaction to a school shooting that shook German public opinion last month, will come before the upper house of parliament next year. But it is already sending shockwaves through the 2m-strong German online gaming community. 'We have among the most drastic censorship rules for games,' said Frank Sliwka, head of the Deutsche E-Sport Bund, an umbrella federation for German online gaming teams. 'Now we are being labelled as a breeding ground for unstable, dysfunctional and violent youngsters.'"

Submission + - JSF and Ajax: Web 2.0 Made Easy with RAD V7

IdaAshley writes: Creating and integrating an Ajax application is not an easy task, but the release of IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) V7 provides Ajax functionality for the JSF components to make the task much easier. This article explains how to use Ajax and JSF together in RAD V7 and walks you through an example of adding Ajax support to an existing application.

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