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Comment Re:My interpretation (Score 1) 36

When you evaluate a democrat you insist that they spend their free time conspiring to impose a new world fascist regime

More accurately, I point out that more legislation == less freedom.

when you evaluate a republican you insist that they spend their free time working at soup kitchens and building orphanages.

I find out the most remarkable things about my actions from you.

Comment Re:At first glance, I liked the first response... (Score 1) 24

Well, I'm certainly not your master. But I have to ask why the sudden appeal to "logical or reasonable defense"? I thought you were arguing a purely materialistic weltanschauung. Are arguments seasonal with you, or do you have some kind of D&D table with percentile dice to figure out what line of hooey to deploy?

Comment Re:Concur (Score 1) 12

By "actual information", do you think Gruber is a representative sample?
I rather do. He seems to capture the overall commitment to veracity, respect for opinion at variance with his own, and dedication to ensuring that the will of We The People is carried out that one knows informs the Left at all levels.

Comment Re:My interpretation (Score 1) 36

Jesus said much about helping out the less fortunate. On an individual basis. As one should, for spiritual growth.
This whole business of confusing God with Caesar (a chronic Progressive error) is the source of much, much woe.
After we've passed the Communist Manifesto in the kidney stone fashion, maybe you'll up your game and go for the Gospel of John with me, for good therapy?

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