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Submission + - SourceForge now serving free software with a side of malware

simplypeachy writes: Not that long ago /. reported on Cnet wrapping software downloads with malware. Cnet chose the wrong guy to mess with when it was found even nmap wasn't safe to such underhanded and dangerous practises. Now it seems SourceForge is following in their footsteps as discovered by this Eset anti-virus user. Unsuspecting users will be suffering the joys of InstallCore if they install a hosted project's program that has been wrapped in the malware-bundling platform.

Comment Re:Expecting cooperation from universities... (Score 5, Insightful) 40

If you're from a good university you dont really need such programs

Working in a professional environment as part of your education can be a very valuable experience and shouldn't be sniffed at. I had the good fortune to do something similar when I was younger, and looking back at it now, I can really appreciate how it helped sharpen my skills and gave me greater insight into what real world software development is like.

Comment Re:Myopic viewpoint (Score 1) 360

Maybe. But then as with other new players in various industries, the new players often end up being the R&D teams for the longer established businesses. When Tesla finally get close to the sweet spot of making money and having ironed out all the kinks, every other car company with deeper pockets and already established service centres, etc, can jump in and drown Tesla at the bottom of the pool.

Comment Re:OpenWRT all the way (Score 1) 104

OpenWRT rocks, but as far as I am aware, there is no support for the type of bandwidth management the OP is after within the web interface. I'm sure you can achieve the same control from the CLI with a few extra packages and command line magic, but it sounds like the OP specifically wants all this to be done from the web interface.

Comment Re:Open the pod bay door HAL (Score 1) 71

And if I'm not mistaken, this next flight will also be their first attempt to recover the first stage by propulsive landing. Demonstrating such a capability would be a game changer in itself.

I've seen the footage of their initial propulsive tests (awesome) but had not realised they were planning a full blown test following a proper mission so soon. Really looking forward to seeing that!

Comment Quick test shows Yahoo user passwords (Score 5, Informative) 303

Filippo Valsorda's online tool for checking web servers for the Heartbleed vulnerability is quite an eye opener. As well as telling you whether the server is vulnerable, it displays a small snippet of the memory it retrieved (there are scripts on Github that will show you the whole 64KB I believe).

In the quick tests I did on (used for Yahoo's email and probably all other Yahoo services), I saw three different user's passwords and at least part of their usernames. And you can just sit there refreshing the page to see more! Madness!

Comment Re:The numbers (Score 2) 139

Lenovo were already in the smartphone market with several Android phones. In fact, they were the fifth largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, shipping 45.5 million smartphones in 2013. Looks like most of those were in emerging markets though, so the Motorola Mobility acquisition should give them a big step forward into the western markets.

Comment Re:The web needs a good layout engine (Score 1) 249

Honestly at this point, HTML should be obsoleted and everyone use an XML standard like RSS, or something semantic, and lay that out directly with CSS, since the entire web is converging on an blog-post/article-like data model.

One of the main goals of HTML is to be that semantic format you wish for. It has taken years (far too many) for it to get to that point, but in general, it works. You mark up your content semantically with HTML and then leave all presentation to be taken care of with CSS. At least, that's what web developers should be doing nowadays. I'm not saying HTML is perfect, far from it in fact, but in conjunction with CSS it does already provide a means to separate content from presentation.

Submission + - Is Linux Set To Be PC Gaming's Number Two Platform? 1

monkeyhybrid writes: Following a tweet from the developer of Maia (a cross platform game soon to hit Steam) that Linux was bringing him more game sales than Mac, Gaming On Linux decided to investigate further by reaching out to multiple developers for platform sales statistics. Although the findings and developer comments show Linux sales to still be sitting in third place, behind those of Mac and Windows, they are showing promise and developer feedback certainly appears to be positive about the platform's future.

With Steam OS on its way, surely leading to more big title releases making their way to the Linux platform, could Linux gaming be set to take the number two spot from Mac?

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