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Comment Re: Study Written by a non-farmer (Score 1) 115

So you experienced both and measured your bone density after each and determined that the physical activity from farming gave you denser bones than hunting animals with say a spear. Ok it was my bad that I wrote "easier on the body" when I really meant that farming puts less strain on the body of the type that promotes bone density than the type of strain that you get from being a hunter/&gathered 12000 years ago. It has nothing to do with which is harder or easier.

Comment Re: Study Written by a non-farmer (Score 1) 115

You still don't get it. Nobody is saying that farming is not hard work or that it's even less hard work than the hunter/gatherer. Bone gets more dense from specific physical activity and not from all, for example running (which hunters do more than farmers) gives denser bone than walking (which farmers do more) and that is even if you walk for hours upon hours carrying heavy equipment vs running just a few hours.

What you also obviously miss completely is that it's a well established fact that the bones got less dense when man begun to farm those 12000 years ago, it's measured objective facts, not just logical deductions.

To make another analogy, if you weight train in a way that exposes your bones with compression power like squats and deadlifts then you also get denser bone than the pecs and biceps boy next to you that performed two bazillion sets to failure and thus exercises a hell of a lot more than you did.

Comment Re: What took them so long? (Score 1) 212

A really secure air gap that would work with continous data streams should be built somewhat like this. 1. Define a simple protocol for the instructions. In the case of this steel mill it should be "produce x amount of class y steel". Thus there is limited ways of compromising the system via the protocol since there is no detailed instructions to fuck up the mill as in the article. 2. Air gap it by having the computer connected to the internet print out the order to paper. The the operator moves that paper to the production machine where it is scanned and ocr:ed

Comment Re: (Score 1) 127

Here in Sweden we have different papers for each party, that is instead of crossing of a name you put a whole paper for party x into an envelope. Pro is that this makes the counting much easier and also is not complicated for the voter. Con is that it's very expensive for a new/small party to print and distribute papers to all voting places (if you get over 1% in an election then the state will pay and manage the distribution). You can also write the party name on a black piece of paper if you want to (or if the party you want to vote for doesn't have papers in your voting place) which of course negates the pro but it's rare enough to not make a real impact.

If there's a yes/no vote done then each such vote gets their own envelope and there is a yes or no paper to choose from, so no crossing their either.

Comment Re: (Score 2) 127

Probably driven by the media since they want a result as quickly as possible so they can sell more tv-time. I have no idea how the presidential election works in the US but I assume here that the president elect doesn't take over directly, it probably takes some months before he/she can take office anyways so time should not be an issue for the election in it self. And also since the result is to last for four years, having a result in seconds seams quite useless.

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