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Submission + - Brew Vs Android : Qualcomm's Tough Dilemma (

hypnosec writes: Qualcomm is the Intel of the ARM-ecosystem, a technology giant with a market capitalization of just under $90 billion, more than chip rivals Texas Instruments, Broadcom and Nvidia put together. The US-based company is set to face a dilemna over the next 12 months as Google's mobile platform, Android, permeates to the lower levels of the market and start to compete with Qualcomm's own proprietary but quietly successful platform, BrewMP. Unbeknown to many, the BREW platform, which stands for Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless, has been around for more than a decade, is present on more than 1400 handsets, 250 million addressable BREW devices, generated more than $3 billion in developer earnings and pulls in 50 million transactions per month.

Submission + - Two People Killed For Social Media Use in Mexico (

nonprofiteer writes: A man and a woman in Mexico were tortured — the man's arm nearly severed, the woman disemboweled — and hung from a bridge in Nuevo Laredo. From CNN: "Signs left near the bodies declared the pair, both apparently in their early 20s, were killed for posting denouncements of drug cartel activities on a social network.

"This is going to happen to all of those posting funny things on the Internet," one sign said. "You better (expletive) pay attention. I'm about to get you.""

Awful. And preceded by a story of two Mexicans being threatened with 30-year-sentences for tweeting a rumor about an attack on a school:

Submission + - Bloggers in mexico killed by gang warfare (

An anonymous reader writes: Apparently the drug cartels don't like bloggers reporting on the actions taken by them. 2 people who the sign says were bloggers in Mexico have been tortured and killed and then hung from a bridge. One was disemboweled. Be careful out there people.

Submission + - Electric Roads To Power Cars (

RedEaredSlider writes: If you are old enough to remember slot car racing, this might look familiar: an electric car powered by the roadway itself, rather than carrying its power supply along.

Some electric trolleys, subways and trains operate this way, because the vehicle is on a track, and the circuit is completed through a contact overhead. Bumper cars operate similarly, as they are always in contact with a metal floor, which completes the circuit through a pole in the back that touches the ceiling. But road cars can't do this — you'd need something more akin to a third rail system.

That's what Masahiro Hanazawa at Toyota Central R&D Labs in Japan, working with Takashi Ohira at the Toyohashi University of Technology, say they have. Using steel belts in the tires and a metal plate in the road, they can get a similar effect as in slot cars or third-rail powered trains. The energy, running through the plate, is transmitted to the car through the wheels, powering the motor and eliminating the need for batteries.

Comment Troll? (Score 1) 3

So, you're receiving between $10M and $50M in hardware, plus ongoing funding for leased floorspace, power, cooling, and operations support. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE USING IT FOR?

You're either a troll, or you're fired.

Comment Why isn't tin-foil better than paint? (Score 1) 722

Lots of debate here about emissivity and reflectivity. Can someone explain this better?

* Wikipedia on Reflectivity shows Aluminum has great reflectivity across the spectrum. But we all know that aluminum is shiny and reflective.
* This list of emissivity shows Aluminum is really really low, way lower than White paint.

Wouldn't we want a few cheap rolls of aluminum foil to reflect the heat, instead? The emissivity discussion above seems to state otherwise....

Submission + - TiVo to brick all remaining UK PVRs on June 1 3

handelaar writes: Perhaps in order to 'encourage' existing users of UK Tivo units to change their TV service to Virgin Media, pay £149 for a new "Virgin Tivo" that they won't actually own, plus £34.50 per month in service charges, Tivo is to cancel all EPG data service to all the Tivos still in use in the country — and existing units will become basically nonfunctional at that time. The faithful aren't amused", having stuck by the company for several years, and mostly paying £120 per annum for service until now. 50% of UK residents aren't able to avail of this generous upgrade offer even if they want to — the cable company in question only covers about half the country.

Submission + - MESSENGER Mission Set to Arrive at Mercury (

Flash Modin writes: In one month, NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft will become the first to orbit the planet Mercury. After it's seven year journey across the solar system, the spacecraft will park in orbit and begin a one year mission to study the innermost planet. Until MESSENGER, nearly half of the planet had never been imaged and large blank spots still exist on its maps. Sean Solomon, the mission's head, says NASA hopes to solve long-standing mysteries about Mercury's formation, composition and its dynamic atmosphere.

Submission + - Look Out LCDs – AMOLEDs are Coming (

kkleiner writes: Look out LCD's because flexible, paper thin, AMOLED screens with super crisp resolution are about to become mainstream. Samsung recently unveiled a slew of new AMOLED products at CES 2011, and they did not disappoint. By layering thin sheets of an electroluminescent organic material, Samsung has managed to conceive of an entire line of products that take LED displays to an entirely new level – these videos you have to see to believe. From transparent displays to paper-thin deformable screens, Samsung has definitely set the AMOLED bar pretty high.

Submission + - Anonymous Releases Version of Stuxnet (

KhabaLox writes: As reported here Sunday, Anonymous obtained a version of the Stuxnet worm from an infiltration into US security firm HBGary's network. They have now released the code on the internet. From the article:

"There is the real potential that others will build on what is being released," Michael Gregg, chief operating officer of cybersecurity firm Superior Solutions, told Gregg was quick to clarify that the group hasn't released the Stuxnet worm itself, but rather a decrypted version of it HBGary had been studying — which could act almost like a building block for cybercrooks." The Stuxnet binaries can be found at The Pirate Bay.


Submission + - Nanotech Paint Makes Airplanes More Efficient (

An anonymous reader writes: A high-tech coating used on military aircraft could make commercial planes more aerodynamic and allow them to fly more efficiently through the air. Budget airline EasyJet has applied the coating, invented by TripleO, to eight of its aircraft and will compare their fuel consumption to the rest of the fleet over the course of the year. If successful, all 194 of EasyJet’s aircraft will be coated. Experts say the coating could cut fuel costs by 2 percent, which would save EasyJet £20 million each year.

Submission + - Israeli general claims Stuxnet attacks as one of h (

dinscott writes: Last month, The New York Times run a story about Stuxnet having been developed by the Americans and the Israelis as a part of a joint project, but it was based on the claims by confidential sources.

But, it now seems that the information from these sources was correct. The Haaretz — Israel's oldest daily newspaper — reports about the a surprising video that was played at a party organized for General Gabi Ashkenazi's last day on the job.

Comment CT Homes have 4-5ft deep piles. (Score 1) 203

I'm not sure what we will do if another 12" falls.

Although gasoline and flamethrowers would just lead to fires, I've wondered what a 100K BTU industrial propane heater would do. (Picture below.) Has anyone tried this?


New Sunlight Reactor Produces Fuel 269

eldavojohn writes "A new reactor developed by CalTech shows promise for producing renewable fuel from sunlight. The reactor hinges on a metal oxide named Ceria that has very interesting properties at very high temperatures. It exhales oxygen at very high temperatures and inhales oxygen at very low temperatures. From the article, 'Specifically, the inhaled oxygen is stripped off of carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or water (H2O) gas molecules that are pumped into the reactor, producing carbon monoxide (CO) and/or hydrogen gas (H2). H2 can be used to fuel hydrogen fuel cells; CO, combined with H2, can be used to create synthetic gas, or "syngas," which is the precursor to liquid hydrocarbon fuels. Adding other catalysts to the gas mixture, meanwhile, produces methane. And once the ceria is oxygenated to full capacity, it can be heated back up again, and the cycle can begin anew.' The only other piece of the puzzle is a large sunlight concentrator to raise the temperature to the necessary 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The team is working on modifying and refining the reactor to require a lower temperature to achieve the two-step thermochemical cycle. Another issue is the heat loss which the team claims could be reduced to improve efficiency to 15% or higher. Since CO2 is an input, the possibility exists for coal and power plants to collect CO2 emissions to be used in this process which would effectively allow us to "use the carbon twice." Another idea listed is that a "zero CO2 emissions" is developed along these lines: 'H2O and CO2 would be converted to methane, would fuel electricity-producing power plants that generate more CO2 and H2O, to keep the process going.' The team's work was published last month in Science."

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