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Comment Re:From many points of data (Score 2) 772

Yes, isn't believing in the truth of something that has been rigorously proved part of scientific literacy?

What would happen if the ones that don't believe humans evolved were forced to deal with some of the unequivocal data that backs it up, like genetics, would they still deny it and cause practical problems?

Further it raises the question as to who is trying to change the test, and why ;)

Comment Re:Knowledge (Score 1) 1037

I think that there is a question as to whether the three witnesses are reliable or not. ;)

I'm also pretty damn sure that Native Americans are not descended from Egyptians, and that the genetic information that shows they're not is widely available, and does stack up.

If that was not the case, there would be some super-duper famous scientists right now that had managed to prove a key tenant of Mormonism; either Science or Nature would publish that like a shot. They LOVE overturning apple carts: if you have the hard evidence.

In the real world... that hasn't happened, because they're not descended from there, all the evidence shows that Native Americans came from Asia, migrating across the Bering Strait. It's just 50 miles across the ocean there, it's many thousands of miles the other ways.

Comment Re:Knowledge (Score 5, Funny) 1037

Let me give you the view of a non Mormon:

Mormonism is bonkers!

You're talking about a religion created by a convicted con man that involves him 'reading' invisible gold tablets that nobody else could see from within a hat, and mistranslating an Egyptian funerary parchment aka 'The Book of Abraham' that doesn't say what he said it says; and we know that because it was tracked down and translated for real.

Comment Re:Jet Fuel? (Score 1) 230

No, wind and hydro are very good matches.

When the wind blows, the hydro holds back its water; it saves the energy for later (at a storage efficiency of about 99%). When the wind drops it lets the water through faster to make up for the lack of wind.

So the combined system has more average power; the wind is able to enhance the hydro generation and the hydro smooths out the wind.

Comment Re:Jet Fuel? (Score 1) 230

That's a nice, clear explanation of how wind power means you use more fuel.

Unfortunately it's absolute, total bollocks.

The reason it's bollocks is because wind is used for about 20% or so of the total production, whereas the combustion turbines are only used as an emergency back-up.

In nearly every case, when the wind drops (which they have several days advance warning for) all that happens is that the other sources (the more efficient sources) increase their output.

Only if you have major failures elsewhere do the combustion turbines kick in.

Comment Re:Double bind (Score 1) 1431

No, in practice armed people don't actually have to be polite to unarmed people at all; because armed people don't have to worry about being shot by them. I mean, they may be, but they don't have to be.

So far from taking away the ability to be rude fucks; it's arming the rude fucks, they will tend to want to be armed more than polite people; they're the ones that are more likely to need a gun, because they're the ones that tend to kick up problems.

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