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Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 394

I can't say I have ever seen a camera on a TV to make sure you are watching the ads. please show me evidence of this.

Considering for years advertising has been tanking, it must be me that is causing it according to you, but I don't know anything.

Where am I speaking of companies being motivated by greed?

Comment Re:If I could abort child, I can do ANYTHING (Score 1) 318


I am not in any way saying that CPS is right in this case, I am saying that I wouldn't let a 6 year old under my care do the same, as I don't believe a 6 year old can be mature enough. I don't make decisions for this case, and don't believe the state should be making any decisions in this case as it isn't their business unless there is a true case of neglect.

Comment Re:If I could abort child, I can do ANYTHING (Score 1) 318

Have I said anything to this child's parents or the state about my opinions? I didn't tell you or them how to raise your kids, I talked about my personal opinion of the incident, which was meant as an aside to the statement of

The parents are mostly winning after two times having their kids taken away.

The parents are winning their case against the police and CPS, what more do you want? I am saying I don't agree with the way they are raising their kids, but I'm not the one calling the police on a young child walking the streets without supervision (hint, I live at least an hour from where this is all going down, not next door).

Comment Re:If I could abort child, I can do ANYTHING (Score 1) 318

I can't find any statistics to back it, but it would be my assumption that girls are more likely to be abducted than boys. Searching for "kidnapping statistics by sex" picks up a confluence of kidnapping and sex offenders lists, not the sex of the victim. This could be a failing in my choice of terms though.

Comment Re:If I could abort child, I can do ANYTHING (Score 1) 318

I don't agree with the murder of unborn children either.

A 6 year old girl isn't really terribly safe and would not be able to fight off a kidnapper, that is all I was saying. I am not trying to claim that it is always true that letting her wander the neighborhood on her own is bad. I think that a mile or so hike from the park may be a bit much for a kid of her age though as well.

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