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Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

My office has paternity leave, so if I were to father another child, I would gladly take advantage of it. When both my children were born, I did not have that option, but would have gladly taken advantage. My second son was born at 4am on a Sunday. I spent the night on the couch in the delivery room, then went to work on Monday. I did not have the ability to even have a day off, so sure, someone fighting for that is a great thing, this isn't a SJW type fight though.

A SJW would call me a mysoginistic prick for even advocating equal rights for men, because I come from male privilage, and will never know how hard it is to give birth.

Do you see the difference between actual social justice and the point of view of the people being called a SJW?

A SJW does not believe that sexism could be against men.
A SJW does not believe that racism can be against white people.

This is not to deride the causes for women or minorities, it is to attack those who rally against racism and sexism with racist and sexist points of view, than claim to be a victim when people they attack and get fired as sexists or racists say mean things about them.

Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

It isn't so much that social justice as a theory is bad, it is the people crusading for it that seem to be dishonest.

When you see someone spout the statistic that women make x% what men make, you can tell they have an agenda. Women working in the same fields with the same experience and same education as men, make pretty much (97% I believe was the statistic) the same as men. BUT, when you take all women's salaries, and all men's salaries and add them together, then try and compare the averages, you got a wildly different number. This comes from the fact that more women work in low paying jobs, not that women are paid unfairly, as these jobs typically don't belong being paid more.

When you look at all of this, and you see the posts from SJW on this subject, they tend to scream for higher pay for women, without realizing that this would mean that women would get paid MORE for the same job then men, therefore being unequal in the opposite direction. This is the type of argument that people against SJW are against. The dishonest attack of men as being misogynistic for pointing out that things are pretty equal. The people harassing men and doxing men, while crying about being harassed (the subject of this article).

Comment Re:Three Cheers for Zoe Quinn (Score 1) 693

Kinda funny as it seems that most of his claims were factual. She was cheating on him with a reviewer at Kotoku who did write a story about her video game.

It seems he was a victim of a horrible girlfriend who ruined his life by driving away all his friendships then screwing around on him.

Comment Re:life on the wrong side of an online hate mob (Score 2) 693

Rather than a wall of text claiming to refute his claim, how about you link to twitter harassment that is actually able to be tied to gamergate instead of just saying that they are tied to gamergate. The claim was that harassment was being falsely attributed to gamergate, and you attributed harassment to gamergate without any evidence to back it up. If there is so much evidence that gamergate people support harassment, it should be quite easy to post links to it.

Comment Re:Keyboard (Score 1) 165

Funny, cause there were many smart phones before the iPhone came out, and many of them were very popular as well. Unfortunately for them though, they were not classed as a fashion accessory.

Comment Re:Both of you are off the mark (Score 1) 238

Wouldn't people living longer and paying premiums/having their life insurance invested longer be a good thing?

I think you mean dying the day after the policy is signed, not at age 120.

If you are speaking about long term care, or health insurance, or social security, then how long you live matters.

Comment Re:People forget about people. (Score 3, Informative) 81

Much of the scientific method was pioneered first by ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Egyptians, Indians, and Sumerians. Later during the middle ages the Catholic church was responsible for saving much of the scientific knowledge from these civilizations, thus allowing the scientific method to develop in Europe during and after the Renaissance and through the enlightenment period.

Researched historical information can be funny, but many times it is true. If you don't like WP, feel free to click any of the citations at the bottom.

Comment Re:I work IT in schools (Score 1) 157

My kid uses my dad's previous phone (a Moto x) because his phone I got free previously broke.

My younger son uses a Moto x I bought for 1 penny. A real expensive phone there.

My kids also come home to an empty house with no landline (it is cheaper to have two additional cell phones), so they need to be able to call me if there are issues. I am sorry if it bothers you that some people have valid reasons for their kids having "the latest gadget", but frankly, it is damn hard to get a cheap feature phone anymore in the US. You sure aren't going to find a phone for less than free, or even a penny that is a feature phone.

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