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Comment Re:stream machine (Score 2) 48

SteamOS is still under active development and works quite well. I anticipate we'll see some dedicated hardware halfway through 2015.

You can roll your own Steam Box today if you like. I ran it dual-boot on my gaming PC for a little while, but I got rid of it in favor of Slackware and a Steam on Linux installation.

Comment Re:So how about the core Russian module? (Score 2) 106

Yeah, I don't see this project moving forward. For one, Russia is broke. Their economy is in tatters. For two, I don't see the Japanese or Europeans siding with the Russians on much of anything; there's too much bad blood there. The Russians have burned just about every diplomatic bridge they have right now - they're stuck being buddies with thugs and failed states because nobody else will return Putin's phone call.

Comment Re:Open Source Funding (Score 1) 32

But they'd STILL need a factory.

No they wouldn't - the vast majority of silicon vendors are fabless, while some silicon developers don't even sell complete chips at all, only 'IP blocks'. It is absolutely possible to have free/open source chip designs.

I think the big stumbling block currently would be the very limited FOSS tools for synthesis and layout.

Comment Re:Start with Venus... (Score 1) 319

Habitable does not necessarily mean earthlike. Just getting it to the point of having floating colonies, actively working on fixing the planet - of putting up sun shields over the planet to even start cooling, getting cheap, efficient interplanetary transportation - all of that will take hundreds of years. Turning it into a place we can walk around on the ground would take a lot longer.

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